
Daily Archives: 2021-06-08

Who did the civil rights movement affect?

Who did the civil rights movement affect? The civil rights movement deeply affected American society. Among its most important achievements were two major civil rights laws passed by Congress. These laws ensured constitutional rights for African Americans and other minorities. Why did the I Have a Dream Speech have such an impact on the civil […]

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What do you hope to accomplish by obtaining a college degree?

What do you hope to accomplish by obtaining a college degree? 10 Benefits of Having a College DegreeIncreased Access to Job Opportunities. Preparation for a Specialized Career. Increased Marketability. Increased Earning Potential. Economic Stability. Networking Opportunities. A Pathway to Advancement. Personal Growth and Improved Self-Esteem. How does a degree help you in life? It prepares […]

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How is plastic affecting our oceans?

How is plastic affecting our oceans? In the ocean, plastic debris injures and kills fish, seabirds and marine mammals. Because persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment attach to the surface of plastic debris, floating plastics in the oceans have been found to accumulate pollutants and transport them through ocean currents. How we keep plastic […]

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What is a long speech given by one character?

What is a long speech given by one character? Monologue, in literature and drama, an extended speech by one person. The term has several closely related meanings. A dramatic monologue (q.v.) is any speech of some duration addressed by a character to a second person. When a single character delivers a long speech? A monologue […]

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What are some rhetorical devices in the speech in the Virginia Convention?

What are some rhetorical devices in the speech in the Virginia Convention? In his famous “Speech to the Virginia Convention,” Patrick Henry uses the rhetorical devices of ethos, pathos, and logos throughout the speech, as well as rhetorical questions, allusion, metonymy, juxtaposition, oxymoron, metaphor, and parallelism. How many rhetorical questions are in Patrick Henry’s speech? […]

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What are the different processes or methods used in engineering design?

What are the different processes or methods used in engineering design? Comparing the Engineering Design Process and the Scientific Method The Scientific Method The Engineering Design Process Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment Build a prototype Analyze your results and draw conclusions Test and redesign as necessary Communicate results Communicate results What does the […]

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Why do we do science experiments?

Why do we do science experiments? Science lab experiments promote the development of scientific thinking in students. Rather than making the kids memorize the facts, they are made to think and understand things and the world around them. Science experiments promote discovery and learning. Discovering new ideas is an integral part of learning science. What […]

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What should a profile include?

What should a profile include? Keep your profile short and concise. Include the skills that are relevant to the job you are applying for. Include any achievements relevant to the job industry. Place your profile where it’s highly visible. IT professional profiles. Medical professional profiles. Sales and marketing professional profiles. How long should a personal […]

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