Weekly 2 article
Dear readers of community care blogger blogs. For some time there were many of the usual every 2. Day an article in the Blog to be found, which I, for reasons of caution then to 3 articles / week, reduced for every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
How many have read it certainly already noticed, I’m since the first of October in (m)further education and Training for the exam as a nursing professional, what to October 2013 (fulltime).
Thus, the quality of blog from the Care will not suffer all to doll including, in the future, “only” 2 articles per week and from next week on every Tuesday and Thursday from 15:15 p.m. (the Tweet to the post for the Twitter User follows about 60 minutes later). Everything else remains the same, such as the Live-Support-Chat via GoogleTalk (in the Sidebar of the blog).
I thank you for your understanding and look forward to continuing on the many nice dialogues with you!
Martin Röder