

Delegation of medical activities

(Guest contribution) , Doctors can perform certain tasks to Nurses to delegate. But not every task is suitable for the Delegation of medical activities. This is in the health care law under § 3 (2) 2.: “The following tasks in the framework of the participation are to be performed: stand-alone implementation of physician-induced measures of the medical diagnosis, therapy, or Rehabilitation.”. It may be delegated to the nurse, only those activities that can be expected of her. The doctor must satisfy themselves of the qualifications of the nurse.

Arrangement of responsibility and implementation responsibility

The doctor has called the arrangement responsibility. The arrangement must be in writing and clearly formulated. Exceptions are emergency situations where the doctor gives the order orally are. The receiving caregiver shall bear the responsibility for Implementation, and can be made in the case of damage to the patient’s responsible (transfer fault). As a nurse, such tasks must be refused, which are obviously wrong, and if they do not correspond to the level of education.

Not be delegated to external actors medical tasks

In the nursing care insurance law SGB V determines tasks to be assigned only to the doctor. This means that only you are allowed to undertake these activities. Tasks with special medical expertise may not be delegated. Not be delegated to external actors activities Blood samples in criminal cases are, for example, the operation of an x-ray system, are the subject of obstetrics (cesarean section), the body and issue the Death certificate, the regulation of prescription drugs as well as treatment of diseases the infection protection act. Also surgery is not a medical task.

Tasks with a particular medical professional, medical education, medical history, diagnosis and choice of Therapy. Also, you must only be carried out by a doctor.

Be delegated to external actors medical tasks

The nurse can take on activities that dominates you and what she has theoretical and practical knowledge. In the clinical and outpatient area (e.g., in the care of the elderly) are, for example, the blood pressure measurement (non-invasive), blood sampling and catheterization of the urinary bladder (transurethral). Also, the subcutaneous Infusion should be monitored created by a nurse, and removed. In the ambulatory, intensive care, Suctioning of the respiratory tract, the ventilation monitoring and for inhalation therapy. These activities, however, need special knowledge and can therefore be accepted only by qualified personnel. Prior to the transfer of such Work, the nurse needs to be trained and trained.

Image: Christoph Droste /