

What is the square root of 529 by division method?

What is the square root of 529 by division method?

Therefore, we have solved √529=23 by long division method.

What is the square root of 1024 by division method?


What is the square root of 7056 by division method?

Divide the number (7056) by 2 to get the first guess for the square root . First guess = 7056/2 = 3528.

How do you evaluate using long division?

  1. Draw lines over pairs of digits from right to left.
  2. Find the greatest number whose square is less than or equal to the digits in the first group.
  3. Take this number as the divisor and quotient of the first group and find the remainder.
  4. Move the digits from the second group besides the remainder to get the new dividend.

What is the square root of 16384 by division method?

128. 4

How do you find the square root of 2401 by division method?

Value of √2401 by Long Division Method Find a number Y (4) such that whose square is <= 24. Now divide 24 by 4 with quotient as 4. Bring down the next pair 01, to the right of the remainder 8. The new dividend is now 801.

What is long division method?

Long division is a method for dividing one large multi digit number into another large multi digit number. The divisor is the number you are dividing by. The quotient is the amount each divisor receives ie the answer in most cases.

What is the square of 10609?


Is 10609 is a perfect square?

A: Yes, the number 10,609 is a perfect square.

What is the least number that must be subtracted from 1170 to get a perfect square?

Answer. Step-by-step explanation: Least number is 14.

What number should be subtracted to get a perfect square?

Therefore 1 must be subtracted from 3250 to get a perfect square. Hence, the square root of 3249 is 57. We know that, if we subtract the remainder from the number, we get a perfect square.

What number should be added to 525 to get a perfect square?

We have to find the least number, which must be added to the given number to get the perfect square. Since , 525 is very close to 529 which is a perfect square; So, the difference which we will get is 4; And the square root of the perfect square 529 is 23.

IS 526 a perfect square?

526 is not a perfect square.