Common questions

How do I get my insurance license in Louisiana?

How do I get my insurance license in Louisiana?


  1. Step 1: Complete a prelicensing course that has been approved by the Department of Insurance.
  2. Step 2: Schedule your exam with your state’s testing provider, PSI Exams.
  3. Step 3: Take and pass your state licensing exam.
  4. Step 4: Apply for your license.

What states have reciprocity for insurance license?


Alaska Iowa North Carolina
Connecticut Minnesota South Dakota
Delaware Mississippi Utah
Idaho Missouri Wyoming
Illinois Nebraska

Do insurance agents have to be licensed in each state?

That said, there is no single license that would allow agents to sell insurance products in all 50 states. For that reason, insurance agents looking to sell insurance out of their state would need to obtain a “non-resident insurance license” in each state in which they plan to sell insurance products.

How much does it cost to get a life insurance license in Louisiana?

How much does the Louisiana insurance license cost? The total cost for your insurance course, application, and exam will be about $375. If you don’t pass the exam the first time, add $65 for each subsequent attempt.

How do you become an insurance agent from home?

How to Work As an Insurance Broker From Your Home

  1. Set up your home office.
  2. Choose a specialty.
  3. Network with insurance companies.
  4. Continue to educate yourself.
  5. Ask for referrals.
  6. Adhere to state licensing requirements.
  7. Use your relationship-building skills as a selling tool.

How much does it cost to get a non-resident insurance license?

When applying for a Non-Resident license there is a $6.18 transaction fee and state license fees may apply. See the state rules and requirements for more information.

Who is considered a non-resident agent?

Nonresident Agent — an agent who is licensed in a domicile in which he or she does not reside.

How do I become an independent insurance agent?

How to become an independent insurance agent

  1. Get educated. To become an independent insurance agent, a person needs their GED or high school diploma.
  2. Complete requirements for license. Taking the license exam is just one part of gaining a license.
  3. Get a license.
  4. Search for a job.
  5. Advertise.
  6. Continue to learn.
  7. Insure yourself.

How do I get my license to sell life insurance?

How do I earn a life insurance license?

  1. Complete any prelicensing education required by the state you want to become licensed in. The number of hours you’ll have to complete and the cost vary by state.
  2. Pass the state insurance licensing exam for life insurance or life and health insurance.
  3. Pass a background check.

What type of insurance agent makes the most money?

The sales commission life insurance agents might earn in the first year if they are on a commission-only salary; that’s the highest commission for any type of insurance.

How to apply for an insurance license in Louisiana?

Supporting documents may also be submitted to the state via mail, email, or fax. If the applicant chooses to submit via mail, e-mail or fax, the documents must be submitted to the Louisiana Department of Insurance that same day as the license application and must include the transaction number and the applicant’s name.

Are there fees for a NIPR renewal in Louisiana?

Fees shown are state fees only. These fees do not include NIPR transaction fees. Per application. Reinstatements are referred to as late renewals in Louisiana. Please note that license class names can vary by state. Applications for Other lines of authority will defer to state for approval.

When does your insurance license expire in Louisiana?

Individual producer licenses in Louisiana expire biennially (every two years) on the last day of your birth month. Property and casualty licenses expire on odd numbered years, and Life, Health & Accident licenses expire on even numbered years.

How to get a producer adjuster license in Louisiana?

You may read review the standards of conduct on the Louisiana Department of Insurance website at Applicants for the variable line of authority (LOA) must supply FINRA CRD number on application.

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Ruth Doyle