

a phobia of the dentist : causes, solutions to get rid of them

La phobie du dentiste : causes, les solutions pour s’en débarrasser

Fear is the result of a defense mechanism of the body. Fear of the dentist is the fact that a patient, avoiding any dental care. It becomes a disorder when the patient does not need any dental treatment, despite the poor quality of his teeth. The anguish of departure turns into a real phobia, hence the need to follow a therapy. What are the causes of the dentophobie and how to overcome the fear of the dentist ? Explanations to the rest of the article.

The dentophobie : on the trail of the causes of the pathology

The dentophobie can have multiple causes, even the most unsuspected. You’ll have as causes :

  • The fear of needles ;
  • The fear of the noise of the roulette wheel ;
  • The instruments and utensils dental ;
  • The top-of the-heart ;
  • The trauma experienced by the patient during childhood ;
  • The insensitivity of the doctors dentists ;
  • The smell of the products.

These causes are born generally in the experiences of patients or medical experience yucky and bitter. Always it is that fear exaggerated the dentist is not a result of chance. It can be explained by a traumatic experience or mental patient who is struggling to overcome it. However, this pathology can be treated in various ways and without the patient being re-traumatized.

The phobia of the dentist : solutions to overcome it

The phobia is usually a fear of unjustified and disproportionate a thing, an animal or a situation. It can have serious consequences in the life of the individual phobic. The fear of the dentist is not incurable, it can be treated by following a psychological therapy, dental, and hypnotic.

  • Psychological therapy

This type of treatment involves the intervention of a psychotherapist in order to enable the patient to overcome his evil or his phobia. Thus, the psychiatrist or the psychotherapist may have recourse to psychoanalysis, confrontation therapy , or simply cognitive therapy.

  • The dental therapy

It is, in fact, a set of provisions made by the dentist to eliminate the phobia and to enhance the experience of a patient in his office. This therapy is based on : building the confidence of the patient, an interactive exchange, the dearth of stimuli in the phobia, dental care, soft and without pain through the anesthesia.

  • Hypnosis

Hypnosis is one of the effective solutions against the phobia. The hypnosis sessions will allow the hypnotherapist to identify not only the origin of the phobia, but allow the patient to overcome it permanently.

The stomatophobie : what are the consequences ?

The consequences of the dentophobie are horrible. The phobia of the dentist may have for the purpose :

  • Infection oral ;
  • The boil and break dental ;
  • Gingivitis ;
  • The dental caries is severe.

The consequences of the dentophobie are not to be neglected. The stomatophobie leads to a total degradation of the dental and oral health topics dentophobiques.

All in all, the dentophobie is not incurable, you can use an appropriate treatment to overcome it effectively and lastingly your phobia of the dentist.