

Can the area of a shape be negative?

Can the area of a shape be negative?

With the most commonly used definition of area, i.e. Lebesgue measure, there is no such thing as negative area.

Is the area of a triangle always positive?

While the area of a triangle is usually positive, area under the x-axis is usually considered negative, but this only applies to triangles in the coordinate plane, so “positive area” probably doesn’t belong in this problem.

What is the meaning of negative area?

[′neg·əd·iv ′er·ē·ə] (geography) An area that is almost uncultivable or uninhabitable.

Can area of a triangle be 0?

A triangle can have zero area.

Why is the area of a triangle negative?

According to the Shoelace formula : If the points are labeled sequentially in the counterclockwise direction, then the area is positive, if they are labeled in the clockwise direction, the area will be negative.

Can you have a negative area between two curves?

The area under a curve between two points can be found by doing a definite integral between the two points. Areas under the x-axis will come out negative and areas above the x-axis will be positive.

Can lengths be negative?

No. A magnitude cannot be negative because it is said to be positive or equal to zero between every points (elements). Like length, measures are typically taken to be non-negative-valued. However, there is such a thing as a signed measure, where the values may be negative, instead.

How do you find the area between polar curves?

To get the area between the polar curve r=f(θ) and the polar curve r=g(θ), we just subtract the area inside the inner curve from the area inside the outer curve.

What is the first step toward finding the area between two curves?

First, you will take the integrals of both curves. Next, you will solve the integrals like you normally would. Finally, you will take the integral from the curve higher on the graph and subtract the integral from the lower integral.

How do you find the area of a cardioid?

1 We find the area inside the cardioid r=1+cosθ.

How do you find the third side of an obtuse triangle?

Square the length of the side opposite the obtuse angle. For the example, if the length is 4, then squaring it results in 16. Subtract the combined squares of the adjacent sides by the square of the side opposite the obtuse angle. For the example, 16 subtracted from 13 equals -3.

What are the sides of an obtuse triangle?

An obtuse triangle may be either isosceles (two equal sides and two equal angles) or scalene (no equal sides or angles). An obtuse triangle has only one inscribed square. One of the sides of this square coincides with a part of the longest side of the triangle.

How do you find the longest side of an obtuse triangle?

For any triangle, if a2 + b2 < c2, where c is the longest side, the triangle is an obtuse triangle.