

cancer prevention and early detection of cancer

Cancer is the second most common cause of death after diseases of the circulatory system. However, it has not been set by many people to go for regular cancer screening. The chances of a cure, the earlier the cancer is detected to rise. Care should therefore be a Routine! This article is to explain about the different cancer screening options and the benefits of health insurance.

Why should I go for cancer screening?

Krebsvorsorge und Krebsfrüherkennung

The sooner a Tumor is discovered, the higher the chances of a cure. Of course you can’t guarantee in every case and with every disease to 100 percent that the cancer will be defeated. This is always case dependent. However, the chances of cure increase by the early detection of cancer.

In addition, the drug methods of treatment in an early stage already, and operations may be less widely recognized, in order to remove the diseased tissue and the Tumor.

Meanwhile, Prevention and early – detection tests are among the standard services of the statutory health insurance funds. Patients who wish to use these services, you need to have, provided that you meet the given criteria, are not afraid of additional costs.

What pays the health insurance?


Over 20 years of age: examination of the internal and external sex organs

30 years: additional tactile examination of the breast

From 50 years of age (up to 70 years of age. Years of age): every two years mammography Screening


Over 45 years of age: examination of the external genital organs and the prostate

Women & Men

35 years: every two years skin Screening examination of the entire skin surface for the early detection of skin cancer

From 50 years (until the age of 55 years of age. Years of age): once per year, Test for blood in the stool

From the age of 55 years: a colonoscopy, a repeat examination after 10 years – the chair-the blood-examination will be unnecessary

If you don’t take the colonoscopy at 55 years or in spite of colonoscopy, an additional investigation wishes to, can continue to two years to get a stool study to Test for hidden blood.

Hereditary breast and/or colorectal cancer

Patients are hereditary pre-charged, can allow further investigations for the early detection in the cancer screening. According to doctors, these tests are covered by medical insurance.

Image Source: Fotolia/© Anna Omelchenko