

care money and care grade: Changes for 24-hour care from Eastern Europe

New year – new services: More help (care for cash & co.) for people in need of care

With the second care strengthening the law will change to 01. January 2017 not only the definition of need for care and the introduction of nursing degrees. Particularly important for carers, but also the increased financial benefits to be paid from the maintenance Fund. In the following guest contribution from the Sencurina to the elderly of our readers to be informed what impact the Changes have, especially in a 24-hour care by nursing staff from Eastern Europe.

Pflegegeld und Pflegegrade: Änderungen für 24h-Pflege aus Osteuropa

Sencurina Partner – informed about the care the strengthening of law 2017

The financial benefits of nursing care insurance will rise forms in nearly all of the Support. A very special role to play in the care of grade 1. People in this type of nursing degree are persons who have previously received no services. People in need of care in care levels 2 to 5 also receive increased financial support.

Care benefits degree 1

In the case of Care level 1 care for the needy and his relatives with the following services:

  • Care advice at home or in a Care centre
  • monetary grants in the amount of Euro 214, if the patient is in an outpatient supervised residential group living
  • Supply of maintenance tools in the amount of 40 Euro
  • financial subsidies for measures to improve the living environment in the amount of 4,000 euros per measure
  • free participation in nursing care courses for relatives
  • The uniform discharge amount can be in the amount of 125 Euro for additional care and support services. This can be used only at the Care level I – for the in – kind service by the care service (basic care).

For the care levels 2 to 5, the following shall apply in addition.

Care benefits in kind

With care in-kind benefits, especially home care or outpatient care is meant to service. The care paid to the Fund

  • with a nursing degree 2 = 689 Euro
  • with a nursing degree 3 = 1.298 Euro,
  • with care degree 4 = 1.612 Euro and
  • with a nursing degree 5 = 1.995 Euro

It is known that 40 % of the benefit in kind amount can also be used for offerings to the support used in everyday life (conversion claim). Mint is that the Insured can decide whether he or low-threshold care and discharge services with the conversion claim, or to the uniform discharge amount to Finance.

Care money

Care allowance is a cash benefit to the care Fund for the patient. Most of this money is spent for the financing of the care. The care paid to the Fund

  • with a nursing degree 2 = 316 Euro,
  • with a nursing degree 3 = 545 Euro,
  • with care degree 4 = 728 Euro and
  • with a nursing degree 5 = 901 Euro

Prevention care

Is the actual caregiver prevents, to pay the maintenance Fund to continue to 1,612 of the Euro in the calendar year for a maximum of 42 calendar days for a Replacement caregiver. Also a Transfer of half the short-term care on the prevention to care is still possible.

During a prevention care, the care allowance is paid for up to six weeks per calendar year.

Day and night care

The day and night care is a part of the stationary range. The care can, for example, the needy. during the day in an inpatient facility are cared for and the evening home to sleep. For day and night care, the care Fund

  • with a nursing degree 2 = 689 Euro
  • with a nursing degree 3 = 1.298 Euro,
  • with care degree 4 = 1.612 Euro and
  • with a nursing degree 5 = 1.995 Euro


Uniform Discharge Amount

People in need of care in your own home are maintained (e.g., in the context of a 24-hour care), are entitled to a discharge in the amount of up to 125 euros per month. The amount is used for the reimbursement of expenses

  • Benefits of the day or night care,
  • Benefits of short-term care,
  • Services of the outpatient nursing services, but not for the achievements in the area of basic care and
  • low-threshold care and support services

The 125 Euro/month, not be obtained, add up these amounts over the calendar year. The remaining amount can be carried over to the following half of the Calendar year.

For more information about how to care money & co. in the course of a 24-hour support and care services you receive at Sencurina under

Short Sencurina: Sencurina (incl. Curita24 seniors Service) offers to the current 30 locations in both hours of care at home as well as a ‘Round-the-clock’care, for example. by Polish nurses.

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