

The Art Of Promoting Yourself (Ep. 4)

What does it take to get your name out beyond your school’s walls – to establish yourself as an expert in your area of interest and get the job or internship you want? I’ll tell you this right now: you aren’t going to do it just by getting a degree. Just doing an internship and […]

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The Internship Experience: Week 11

As my time interning at The Principal is nearing its end, I can’t help but wonder where the summer has gone. While this isn’t exactly a comforting feeling knowing homework, tests, and studying are just around the corner (less than a month away!), I’m finding it to be a good sign due to the saying […]

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7 Ways To Make An On-Campus Summer Not Suck

Just like that, another year of college is over. For me, it’s the third – and the second in which I’ll be staying on-campus for the summer. With that in mind, I thought I’d address a common concern for many students who feel “stuck” at school for the summer – boredom. Let’s face it – […]

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How long was Carol Henning married to Steinbeck?

How long was Carol Henning married to Steinbeck? First wife of famous author John Steinbeck. 3) Elaine Anderson Scott Steinbeck, married 1950, died April 27, 2003 in New York….Carol Henning Brown. Birth 15 Mar 1906 San Jose, Santa Clara County, California, USA Death 8 Feb 1983 (aged 76) Monterey County, California, USA Where did John […]

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What is the conflict of the dog eaters?

What is the conflict of the dog eaters? THE PLOT Conflict • The quarrel of spouse’s because of dogs, unstable jobs, and “enough way of living”. Mariana wants to abort their second child. Complications • Poverty and lazy husband • the quarrel between Mariana and Victor Rising Actions • Mariana bought a potent from Aling […]

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Is Mapoly part-time form out?

Is Mapoly part-time form out? MAPOLY part-time form for this academic session is NOT out yet. When will MAPOLY direct entry and part-time Forms be out? MAPOLY usually releases the sale of MAPOLY part-time forms . It forms are usually released on sale towards the end of 2nd semester of every academic session. How much […]

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How can you explain love?

How can you explain love? Some possible definitions of love include: A willingness to prioritize another’s well-being or happiness above your own. Extreme feelings of attachment, affection, and need. Dramatic, sudden feelings of attraction and respect. A fleeting emotion of care, affection, and like. How do you describe someone you love? Here are some words […]

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Can you have fantasy without magic?

Can you have fantasy without magic? Can You Have Fantasy Without Magic? The simple answer to this question is: Yes, of course. The concept of fantasy books might be hard to define, but it doesn’t have to be. Fantasy is just things that are not real. Who are the best fantasy authors? 16 of the […]

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Is a longer essay better?

Is a longer essay better? The board explains that longer essays sometimes score higher not just because of their length, but because “it’s very common for longer writing samples to more effectively convey nuanced, persuasive arguments.” Why do essays need to be long? Using length as a guide to topic and complexity The suggested word […]

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What is a chronological resume format?

What is a chronological resume format? A chronological resume lists your jobs starting with the current or most recent one at the top, followed by previous ones below. This type of resume focuses on your work history and professional achievements. Chronological resume is the best choice for candidates with a consistent work history. How do […]

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