
Users questions

How To Write A Novel… or a Huge Paper (Ep. 30)

I read a lot of fiction, ranging from smaller Kurt Vonnegut books to massive, 2,200-page Brandon Sanderson trilogies. As a fan, I’m enthralled with the worlds these authors create. As an aspiring author, however, I’m also stunned at how these writers can create such huge works.  That’s exactly the question I ask my friend Brit […]

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The Internship Experience: Week 9

It’s been a few weeks since I last shared about my internship experience, but in those few weeks it seems like a lot has happened. When I last wrote, I mentioned that I had been working on planning and organizing The Principal’s booth and volunteer efforts at the Des Moines Arts Festival at the end […]

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What resources are needed to make food?

What resources are needed to make food? Natural resources are used to make food, fuel and raw materials for the production of goods. All of the food that people eat comes from plants or animals. Natural resources such as coal, natural gas and oil provide heat, light and power. Which are non-renewable resources? There are […]

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How do you start a scientific question?

How do you start a scientific question? Remember to write a question that is going to be simple, measurable, attainable, relevant, and limited to a particular time and place. Avoid why questions. Next, write a prediction that answers your question. This is your hypothesis. Why is chemistry a good subject? Chemistry is essential for meeting […]

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