

From College To Successful Startup With Leo Widrich from Buffer (Ep. 2)

The train keeps on rolling. Today I’ve got episode 2 of the CIG podcast coming right at you, with double the brain-power. 

That’s right – today’s episode contains my first interview on the podcast! You’re not going to want to miss out on this one. I brought Leo Widrich – co-founder of the extremely popular social sharing app Buffer – onto the show to share his experiences going from a college student to a successful entrepreneur.

In just three short years, Buffer has gone from a tw0-man startup with just a few thousand users to what it is today – an app with over 500,000 active users and over $1 million in annual revenue. A huge chunk of that success can be attributed to Leo’s absolutely stellar networking skills and hard work getting the word out about the app.

In this interview, you’ll learn how Leo got into the startup world while he was still in college – and eventually ended up leaving school to work with Buffer full-time. You’ll also get plenty of actionable tips for how you can get connected in the startup world (or any industry you’re trying to break into), start building your own personal brand and following, and generally be awesome at life.

Items mentioned in this episode:

  • Buffer – schedule tweets, Facebook posts, and LinkedIn updates

Things you should do right after listening:

  • Get on Twitter if you aren’t already! Also, you can follow Leo (@LeoWid) and me (@TomFrankly) if you’d like!
  • If you haven’t yet, subscribe to the CIG Podcast on iTunes. I’d also love it if you’d leave a review! It helps a ton 🙂

By the way, the Essential Personal Branding Checklist has a detailed section of items to help you get the most out of Twitter. To get the checklist for free, use the orange box below this post to sign up for my newsletter and get access to the Personal Branding Toolbox for Students.