

How can you determine whether two sides of a polygon are congruent?

How can you determine whether two sides of a polygon are congruent?

Two polygons are congruent if their corresponding sides and angles are congruent. Note: Two sides are congruent if they have the same length and angles are congruent if they have the same measure. We indicate that angles are congruent by putting the same number of slash marks through each angle.

What pair of polygons are congruent?

Two polygons are congruent if they are the same size and shape – that is, if their corresponding angles and sides are equal. Move your mouse cursor over the parts of each figure on the left to see the corresponding parts of the congruent figure on the right.

Are 2 circles always similar?

Similarity is a quality of scaling: two shapes are similar if you can scale one to be like the other, like these triangles ABC and DEF. Since all circles are of the same shape (they only vary by size), any circle can be scaled to form any other circle. Thus, all circles are similar!

Is a square a regular polygon give reasons?

A regular polygon is both equilateral (all sides are the same length) and equiangular (all angles are the same measure). A square perfectly matches this description. A square’s four sides must all be the same length and a square must have four angles measuring 90˚ by definition. Therefore, it is a regular polygon.

Why a circle is not a polygon?

A circle is not a polygon. A polygon is a closed figure on a plane formed from a finite number of lines segments connected end-to-end. As a circle is curved, it cannot be formed from line segments, as thus does not fit the conditions needed to be a polygon.

What is an unclosed shape called?

In geometry, an open shape can be defined as a shape or figure whose line segments and/or curves do not meet. They do not start and end at the same point.

Is a square a closed shape?

A square is a closed shape with four straight sides and four square corners. The four sides are the same length.