

In the fall, it is the vaccination of professionals !

À la rentrée, c’est la vaccination des professionnels !

A small anecdote back to me by the ears lately, and at first made me smile, at the mention of this memory. But she was also questioned on a topic : the vaccination of the professionals ? We talk about it?

I remember a few months ago, the old emergency room physician, you know, the one that pats her head and believes everything you learn? But if, the one that we listen to even if it becomes gâteux, the one that we questioned when we encounter a problem? In short, one that we are drunk, but who, casually, is a well of knowledge. Well this is the same doctor who in December, has “privatized” a box of emergency to transform it into a room of vaccination against the flu… The success proved to be rather mixed, and the doctor had to close his room much earlier than expected given the low enthusiasm met with its agents.

Vaccination in us health professionals, we do not choose always. Upon entry to the IFSI, we request you to update some vaccines are essential to protect against contamination :

I also follow the immunization schedule of the professionals : but if you want even more details, feel free to check out the vaccine recommendations complete prepared by the ministry of health

Thus, you must be up to date on the DTP (the only mandatory vaccine in France), hepatitis B and tuberculosis (which are mandatory for all health professionals). Aspiring to an entry in the IFSI, which we read, small tip : Remember to anticipate your controls, vaccination in your doctor as some vaccines such as hepatitis B, require multiple injections spaced in time, which could make you miss your return !! In fact, you must be immune to hepatitis B for your studies.

In parallel to this obligation, therefore, some vaccines are recommended such as chicken pox, measles or the so-called influenza.

It is true that in all services, close contact of patients we can catch any crap. Phenomenon even more evident in the er. People arrive and are seen by the IOA before any diagnosis. Therefore, it is inevitable to be exposed, without even knowing it, all of these pathologies. When we know that then we will come in contact with X patients themselves fragile … You get the picture !

So it’s a real debate that arises here. The vaccination for oneself is one thing, but when you think of the risks of transmissions that we, as health professionals, take us not to vaccinate, it gives an angle of view different again… maybe a small trade or a simple information would have helped to fill it, this box of vaccination, or at least of interest to us, we, the caregivers of the emergencies… which would have satisfied our old doctor, rather annoyed by the lack of motivation of its teams.

I hope this article has given you want to think more about your position as a professional or future caregiver in the face of vaccination. If you want more info, this site is well done :

On this, prick !!