

information on care insurance

Infos zur PflegeversicherungI’ve written here on the Blog already, often on the subject of insurance. Today, I will take care of long-term care insurance. A large part of you is in doubt, every day in touch with it, when it comes to the care and billing of the care. For all who want to protect themselves but also private against the risks, is worth it, for example, a tariff comparison.

The Social long-term care insurance is the social insurance and was on 1. In January 1995 with the adoption of the eleventh book of the social code as a compulsory insurance introduced. It is the fifth pillar of social insurance in addition to pension insurance, the statutory health insurance scheme, accident and unemployment insurance. Your task is to provide assistance to those who due to the extent of the need for care, support and solidarity are in need of. Depending on the degree of dependency will be granted after examination of each individual case, the necessary aid. This happens in the case of voluntary care in the Form of a care allowance, in the case of professional care by adopting the cost of care. In addition, the possibility to make expenses for Care and assistance or adjustment measures in the residential environment claim.

The statutory health insurance, the care insurance funds were established. These are the carriers for care insurance. All statutory health insured participants by act of law, long-term care insurance. All in a private health insurance insured persons need to hedge for the company against the risk of long-term care.

Care insurance benefits are granted only on application, retroactively, no benefits can be claimed. Benefits should be only for a limited time is granted, must be made after the expiry of this period a new application. Only the insured Person is entitled request, but may authorize a Person other than the applicant.

After the application, the need for care and the appropriate maintenance is established. For this purpose, the care provider instructs the Medical service of the health insurance and the medical and social service to prepare a report. This visit is done by an appraiser in the framework of a House.

After the creation of the report, a classification is made on the basis of a request for assistance in the appropriate Maintenance level by the maintenance Fund. Of nursing degree determines whether, and to what extent the care can take the needy benefits from the care Fund. Decisive for the respective classification of the expenditure of time, a family member or other people who are not trained as a nurse, need to be able to provide the required assistance with the activities of daily life.

Now from different insurance companies and health insurance companies for statutory care insured private supplementary long-term care insurance to be offered. These are designed to reduce the risk of private co-payments. The private health insurance companies have to make up for your Insured old-age provisions, which enable the required cost reimbursements. This is reflected in age-dependent premiums for the Insured.

Image: Gerd Altmann /