

Installation nurse liberal : the steps to install serenely

Install nurse liberal requires to fulfill a number of formalities to start his business legally and safely. As a reminder, the job of a nurse liberal (or IDEL, to Nurse a Graduate of a Liberal State) is a profession regulated and its exercise is subject to certain conditions :

  • Possession of a State diploma of nursing (DEI),
  • 24 months experience as a nurse or a nurse in the past 6 years (or 18 months to make replacements),
  • The practice prior to the occupation in a structure general medical such as a clinic or a hospital, or as self-employed in another member country of the EU.

If you meet these requirements, you are ready to launch your independent professional activity. This installation should follow certain steps, both to ensure the legality of your fiscal liberal as to have all the cards in hand to start.

The different steps during the installation of a nurse liberal

The steps to install as nurses and nurses liberals can be time-consuming because it is necessary to contact several administrative agencies. You will need to think about in order to :

  • Find your firm, which may be located in a room of your home, but should not be a local commercial. It is a good idea to learn about the area in which you wish to practise, so that you are sure it is not over-endowed. If you settle in an area considered ” very under-endowed “, you will be able to benefit from assistance in the installation provided for by amendments 1 and 3 of the convention, national nurses liberals ;
  • Subscribe to the College of nursing corresponding to your place of work and you pay your dues, in the amount of approximately eur 75. This registration is mandatory since 28 November 2016 ;
  • The recognition of your diploma DEI by theARS to which you are attached(e) (closest to your place of exercise). This formality must be carried out during your first month of exercise, because it will allow you to assign a number ADELI, in other words, a number unique professional ;
  • You register with the CPAM of your department, to have your buffer, your leaves of care, and your healthcare professional card. This registration is done by appointment and requires the presentation of your DEI, of the certificate that you will be provided the ARS, as well as that you will be provided the College of nursing, pay stubs proving your experience 3200 hours in a healthcare service over the last 6 years, a certificate from social security, your identity card and bank details. Ideally, this RIB must be a separate account, opened specially for the operations related to your activity. This account can be a simple current account. The CPAM then forward your file to the URSSAF ;
  • You make the appointment that you will call your URSSAF, to get your package CFE, and therefore your SIRET number ;
  • Join the CARPIMKO, (caisse autonome de retraite et de prévoyance des infirmiers, masseurs-physiotherapists, pedicures-chiropodists, speech pathologists and orthoptists) ;
  • Purchase your professional liability insurance ;
  • Buy your software, and your set-top box remote transmission (or player card) ;
  • And of course, buy the basis of your medical equipment (such as gloves and sterile wipes, syringes, thermometer, sphygmomanometer, bandages, etc).

Please note that the pricing of your acts will depend on your choice of a status agreement. You can accept or not accept the national convention established between the different insurance funds and nurses liberals, which has a grid tariff.

Nurse liberal : the step in the choice of its mutual TNS

In addition to these mandatory steps, it is advisable during your installation to subscribe to a mutual NRT (self-employed) to compensate for the low protection of the mandatory regime. If the IHR, an organization health plan independent, should normally disappear, to be backed by the Social Security regime on the 1st of January 2018, and the guarantees of protection will remain unchanged and the interest to subscribe to a mutual that meets their needs remains very topical.

Thanks to the Law Madelin, health professionals working in a liberal may deduct the amount of their contribution to mutual NER of taxes. Subscribe to a mutual nurse of the liberal is particularly interesting, provided, of course, choose wisely.

Focus on your health needs and make sure to observe if the mutual reward such loyalty, especially if you need optical or dental. Opt for the structures taking the time to build a personalized study to offer guarantees to the height of your needs, your budget and your business. In particular, check whether the per diems paid will be sufficient in the event of a work stoppage. Eovi Mcd, for example, follows this approach and proposes a mutual TNS for nurses and nursing liberal in according to the specifics of your profile. Its partnership with the NIF (National Federation of Nurses) is also a pledge of quality to propose solutions adapted to the situation of nursing and nurses.

The software of electronic transmission, to a nurse liberal

The choice of your software nursing is an integral part of your equipment and its choice should not be taken lightly, because its ergonomics and its functionality will depend on your efficiency in everyday life. This will allow you before all tosend all the sheets of electronic medical (ESF) of your patients during your rounds.

It is advisable to favor the software offering a mobile solution to quickly access to all his appointments, and send SMS to patients in case of delay. The dashboard must be clear to allow control of your activity easily. The software My Agatha e. motion to consolidate its two first criteria, and also ensures a good security of your data as well as a free hotline. We encourage you to first set your expectations if you still hesitate in regards to your software of electronic transmission for nurse liberal to make a choice that suits you.

Now you know all the steps for your installation as a nurse or nurse liberal(e) to be a success !