

Is highly appreciated correct?

Is highly appreciated correct?

Both are grammatically correct. The word “appreciated” is an adjective. “Greatly” is an adverb and “much” can act as either an adjective or an adverb. “Greatly appreciated” may be a bit more appropriate to use in formal situations.

What is the meaning of I appreciate you?

“I appreciate you” is a wonderful term of affection, but it does seem a little bit vague. The meaning, however, is exactly as intended. They appreciate you for what you do for them, or how you make them feel in the relationship that you both share. If you appreciate them, say it back.

What do you reply to I appreciate you?

Any time you receive a compliment, reply with “Thank you.” It’s a simple, but powerful phrase. The person bestowing the compliment will be most receptive to a humble response. Say something like, “Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” or “Thank you, I appreciate the compliment.”

How do you know someone appreciates you?

10 Ways To Tell That He Appreciates You

  1. He always makes time for you.
  2. He wants advice from you.
  3. He makes plans with you.
  4. He gives you compliments.
  5. He always says ”Thank you”
  6. He is friendly with your friends and family.
  7. He is not forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do.
  8. You have completely different tastes in movies or music and he respects yours very much.

How do you appreciate someone special?

Thanks Messages for Appreciation

  1. You hold a special place in my heart. You have the key to many areas of my life.
  2. I have had more than enough. I have been loved so much by you.
  3. If I would buy a special gift to appreciate your help and support, I would go bankrupt. For all you’ve done for me, thank you is all I can say.

How do you thank someone to make them feel special?

I am so very thank full to you for you just made my night so very special one for me. _ Today you actually made me feel so very special that is actually so very inexpressible for me. Thankfulness for making me feel so very special.

How do you thank everyone?


  1. Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
  2. Thanks for all the kind birthday wishes!
  3. My thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday.
  4. Thank you all for making me feel like a queen on my birthday.
  5. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes.

How do you thank someone for visiting you?

  1. Note: fill in words in [brackets] as needed for your note.
  2. #1 Thanks for visiting me last week.
  3. #2 I am thankful for the time we spent together on Wednesday visiting.
  4. #3 Thank you for visiting our home.
  5. #4 The travel stories you shared last week during your visit were fascinating to me.

Is Thanks for the visit correct?

If it is formal, and the visitor is someone you wish to cultivate a good relationship with, then being a bit more specific is better: “Thank you for visiting this morning” “Thank you for taking the time to visit me/us/my company this morning” “Thank you for touring the production line this morning”.

How do you thank guests for coming to dinner?

Thank You

  1. We sincerely thank you for your company, gift, good wishes and for helping to make this day an occasion we will always remember.
  2. Thank you for joining us as we begin our new life together.
  3. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are very much appreciated.
  4. We are honoured to have you as our guest, on this our Wedding Day.

How do you thank God for everything?

Only to you I will be faithful forever. Thanks for everything, God, especially for my happiness and that of those around me. Thank God for giving me life and for allowing me to share with family and friends good times that will be in the memory forever. Always light my way.

How do you thank God for answered prayers?

Dear Father, I thank you for answered prayers (mention the answer to the prayer you received). Heavenly Father, thank you for always hearing and answering my prayers whenever I pray. Father thank you for loving me this much. Thank you for always being faithful to me.

How do you thank God for all his blessings?

Offer a special prayer of thanks after major blessings. A prayer of thanks after a blessing might be something like: “Heavenly Father, I am so humbled that you have blessed me with the gift of a child. I thank you with my whole heart. Please protect my unborn baby and give me wisdom to be a good parent. Amen.”

When your prayers are answered quotes?

“Grace is freely given by God, in sacred moment of salvation.” “Whatever we need can come from wherever it is now.” “Sometimes the blessing is in the prayer not being answered.” “God is just as merciful in the things He does not allow, as He is in the things He does.”

How do you praise the Lord in prayer?

Ask God to continue blessing your life. This could be as simple as saying, “Lord, continue to bless me each day according to Your wisdom.” When you’re finished, close the prayer by saying something like, “In Jesus’ name, Amen.”