

nursing staff from abroad, or compulsory work for welfare recipients? Current Trends in nursing

We have in Germany a health-care crisis, should now be known to everyone. The population is aging, and the nursing shortage will increase due to financial conditions and the demographic change in the next few years. However, new Trends show that small Attempts, such as the leak of nurses to be stuffed.

Nurses from Spain

Pflegekräfte aus dem Ausland oder Arbeitszwang für Hartz IV-Empfänger? Aktuelle Trends in der PflegeSome time ago the care blogger has presented the project “nurses of Asia”, at the Asian experts on the use in Germany have been prepared. Now there is this project with intra-European nurses. The care of the Allgäu region have been set for the first Time, the old nurse from Spain. The young candidates have passed their job interview, via Skype, in, funded by the Federal government, German language courses intensive language set, and will visit in Germany and more language courses. Since the 29. In September 2013, seven young Spaniard, and Spaniards are in Germany and ready for your use in the care of the Allgäu. As soon as their professional qualification is recognised, you will have good chances of getting a permanent job.

For care abroad

The exact opposite is shown in a survey of the “apotheken Umschau”. The result of a survey shows that older people necessarily have to wait on skilled workers from abroad, but even to go abroad, in order to receive care. This has the lack of care for the reason, on the other hand, there are also financial reasons behind this decision. Many of the respondents fear that you can not afford a nursing home or a private care in old age. The idea of the exercise cheaper Alternative abroad, with a quarter of the respondents, therefore, exceedingly. Especially men are supposed to have according to the survey result, little difficulty, with the idea to go to a foreign nursing home, befriend. Every third male Respondent answered affirmatively to this question, in the case of female respondents it was every Fifth.

Care-obligation to work for Hartz IV recipients

A completely different approach to eliminate the nursing shortage in Germany, or to reduce, currently the district of Central Saxony. Here you are playing with the idea of the long-term unemployed facing problems IV to require recipients to work in care. The second circle associated Dieter Steinert is fully behind this Plan. He knew that this project met with some great resistance, but finds it nevertheless makes sense and provides a great potential that should be used.

Pflegekräfte aus dem Ausland oder Arbeitszwang für Hartz IV-Empfänger? Aktuelle Trends in der PflegeIn an Interview with the newspaper “Free press,” said Steinert: “Each Person should be obliged to do something for the society.” For the implementation, however, would be to first change the current law.

Votes against would point out that the Plan has gaps. While nurses are usually the professionals that have gone through a training, a course of study or training, Hartz-IV-recipients are non-specialist forces. A skilled nursing is not guaranteed.

If successful, the project is yet unclear.

Solution approaches and ways in which it is currently seems to have enough. Especially the use of nurses from abroad is a good approach, but even this may not be the solution to all problems. Therefore, it still remains unclear whether and when the current nursing shortage can be resolved

Image source: Fotolia – godfer & Ingo or