

The AEDLs and their meaning

AEDL – An abbreviation for: Activities and existential Experiences dit LEben. In the case of the AEDLs it is a conceptual model of the (Old)care of Prof. Dr. Monika Krohwinkel. You extended the original model by Liliane Juchli extended. The ATLs (Activities of the tday-to-day LEben) are still today in the (health and diseased)care to find.

The ATLs represent generic terms for many of the activities that we do (almost) all of and / or experience, in order to cope with everyday life. The AEDLs represent generic terms for the many activities and experiences that we (almost) all of / and or experience to deal with life / to develop (v):

1. Communicate

It promotes the relationship and supports communication. The awareness of the position and the orientation in terms of people, time and space, memory and concentration, according to Krohwinkel (1993), as well as the ability to orally and in writing. Also facial Expressions/ Gestures, expression of feelings and the perception in relation to Hearing, sight and field of vision, reading, etc. fall into the area of communicating, furthermore the Understanding and recognition of verbal and written Information. Similarly, the ability to feel heat/ cold and pain to Express, according to Krohwinkel here is classified. In addition, the care must be in this line of work is to consider what resources you need to support the residents/clients/patients.

2. Move

It promotes General mobility and Stand up AIDS, for example, change Position, Sit and Go. According to Krohwinkel the body’s movement within and outside of the bed. It also pays attention to paralysis and spasticity, and other movement restrictions, for example, to the head control. Also, equilibrium and balance disorders, as well as the storage traps in this area, in this context, vulnerable body regions to be observed, dealing with contractures, Dekubitalgeschwüren and storage-related Edema formation also belong to this area of life.

3. Vital functions of life are maintained

It promotes the ability to breathe, the circulatory system, as well as the heat regulation, etc. for This purpose, Krohwinkel is one everything that has to do with breathing, such as Breathing pattern, cough, catarrh, infections, breathing disorders, shortness of breath. This also includes the circulatory situation (blood flow, blood pressure, pulse) as well as temperature regulation (fever) and Transpiration (sweating, chills)

4. Care

It encourages and supports the individual’s body care. Here, attention is paid to the condition of the skin, the General skin care (e.g. cosmetics) and special skin care. When Washing the resident/ client/ patient is taken care of whether someone can independently wash or help needed. It is the care in terms of individual areas of the body (e.g. mouth/ nose/ eye/ nail/ hair/ pubic area care). Still needs to to skin damage (redness, swelling, blisters, Edema, skin defects, allergies, infections) have to be respected.

5. Food and drink

Supporting residents/ clients/ patients in their individual needs and habits in terms of food and Drink. When you eat considering the amount of food intake, the appetite and the taste sensation of the people in need of care, as well as the type of food preparation (happened diet), diets, special diet, parenteral nutrition). When you Drink you observed, how liquid and how big the drink is, the care-dependent person. The teeth play a role in this context (dental status, the Situation of the gums, the condition of the dental prostheses). The Chewing and Swallowing (lips-circuit, flow of Saliva, floor of mouth, tongue, vomiting, cheek muscles, soft palate, uvula) and the coordination of Chewing and Swallowing into account, as well as the impact of food and drinks (Nausea,).

6. Retirement

Here is the promotion of continence in the center. Furthermore, maintenance helps to deal with individual incontinence issues. The urine excretion it comes to quantity, rhythm, incontinence, micturition disorders, Urinary retention, urinary tract infections, etc., with fecal excretion also to the quantity, rhythm, incontinence, and constipation, Diarrhoea.

7. Dress

Here, one pays attention to the individual needs with regard to clothes and tried to encourage independence in this area. You follow the preferred clothing and also day and overnight. It also include assistance in dressing and undressing.

8. Rest and sleep

Care provides assistance to the individual for rest and recovery needs. You are trying to promote a physiological sleep-Wake cycle and supports the older people in the management of sleep disorders. It is equally important phases of rest and relaxation, as well as desired to rest the Affected. When Sleeping you are aware of a the quality of sleep, sleep duration, and sleep times.

9. Deal

In this area of life activities, Hobbies, interests, independent activities play a role, as well as the activities that are undertaken with other persons (e.g. family members, carers, physiotherapists, occupational and speech therapists).

10. As a man or woman feel and behave

This is an area that appears in this context is perhaps a bit unusual. What is meant is that care work should promote a positive and life-affirming self-perception of the residents/ clients/ patients as a man or a woman. You have to accept in the care of the sexuality of the people in need of care, otherwise you can’t maintain well. Due to the intensive contact to residents/ clients/ patients, with experienced automatically the crises, the elderly due to the loss of their youth and/ or the partner, as well as by their loneliness. You will accompany the residents/ clients/ patients, suffering from disorders in the area of proximity/ distance. In the area of life “as a man or woman feel and behave” in particular, maintain Connections to the fields “to”, “departure”, “dress”, “Social aspects of life” and “save With existential experiences of life, deal with it,” observed.

11. For a safe and nurturing environment

Here is meant that you should also promote General self-care abilities of the people. It supports you in a safe and secure way of life. The mental security in addition to financial management. To promote or assist the residents/ clients/ patients, if it is necessary, in the design of your living area. Trying to protect the long-term care residents/ clients/ patients from injuries and limitations, and about with them, what is the guidance for you is appropriate, etc. Here, the spatial features play according to Krohwinkel, the type and arrangement of furnishings, the furnishings of the bed, the chairs, AIDS to orientation, such as calendar, clock, newspaper, magazines, Radio, television, etc.

12. Social areas of life secure

In this area of my life supporting elderly people in existing relationships to maintain, and tries to promote their Integration in a self-selected social environment, and to protect them from sensory deprivation and Isolation. Also, the social relations, life partners, friends, neighbors, Acquaintances, and the primary personal

Respect people to be respected, as well as the profession, the present and previous professional activities of the person Concerned and his career-related responsibility, and also private obligations, such as caring for the partner in life. In addition, the apartment belongs to, in this area. The pros and cons of local conditions, risks such as steps or stairs, as well as the adequacy of housing, toilets, hallway and bathroom are to be considered according to Krohwinkel.

13. With existential experiences of life to deal

This Krohwinkel says that caregivers, residents/ clients/ patients accompany in the confrontation with existential experiences such as fear, Isolation, uncertainty, Dying and death. Care also supports in existence-enhancing experiences such as Integration, security, hope, well-being and joy of life. Also experiences, which can promote the existence of, or endanger, for example, culture-bound experience, belief, Faith, religion, life histories, biography play a role here. The tasks of the care can be so bad in the medical – nursing and social care tasks. Nursing services are provided in the AEDL-areas of a multi-dimensional way. The AEDL – areas should be used as guidance for the assessment of problems, needs, and abilities of the people in need of care. “ the existence of threatening experiences: “ loss of independence, worry/fear, distrust, separation, Isolation, uncertainty, hopelessness, pain, Die, “ the existence of challenging experiences: “ the recovery of independence, trust, Confidence/joy, Integration, security, hope, well-being “ experiences that promote the existence or compromise: culture-bound belief, religion, life-historical experiences.

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