

The mutual and the applications to health

Les mutuelles et les applications santé

With the media coverage of the health impacts of food and air, more and more French aware of the risk to life have a tendency to resort to mutual applications and health. The use of these modern solutions allows them to make many choices in their way of taking care of their health. Discover what can serve each other and the applications health.

A mutual health supports the repayment of additional costs caused by a disease. It is therefore used as a spare wheel to the sickness insurance. Some mutual insurance companies may also be in charge of to repay all of the health expenses that have not been taken into account by your health insurance.

If the mutual is free, it is based on fixed contributions in contrast to the safely, which depends on the income of the employee. For a refund high, so you will need to pay more expensive. Mutuals also offer numerous warranties that vary from one formula to another, it is a good idea to compare them.

You will be able to benefit from consultations, medical care, care and dentures, hospitalisation, medicines sold in pharmacies, hearing aids and optical care. If the administrative dimension of health is supported by the mutuals, on a daily basis, many technological solutions can be used to take care of yourself to avoid the box-hospital. Here are three applications to ensure that his or her health daily.

Smoke Free : the mobile app to quit smoking

This application is a real coach to push you to stop smoking. Its platform shows the time spent without smoking, the savings, progress and badges to reward the success.

The progress made at the level of health are also taken into account. A calendar is available to mark the desires of smoking, cost of nicotine replacement products, the date on which you have smoked…

Missions are proposed to quit smoking. For you booster, advice, gifts and a questionnaire are available to allow you to express yourself. The application is available on Google Play and the App Store.

Focus on health mutuals

The complementary health can also allow you access to applications health interesting. A mutual health as Eovi Mcd offers, for example the application MédecinDirect for his service tele-consultation. It is also associated with the start-up Dynseo to provide you with Stim’art, an application of memory games and brain training, recreational, and cultural that helps make it work all of the cognitive functions.

Fruits and vegetables of the season

To achieve sales throughout the year, our stalls are often full of fruits and vegetables that are not always in season. Yet, the fruits and vegetables of the season are necessary to a healthy diet.

To help you find these foods and eat them at the right time, applications to Fruit and vegetables in season, free if you have a Android and Market Smart for iOS allow you to buy food products at the proper season. You cook as well in accordance with mother nature.

MyFitnessPal : count the calories manually

When one starts a diet, the most difficult is often to count the calories. If in the beginning we made efforts, over time we get tired of the additions and mental calculations. The app MyFitnessPal is a calorie counter that allows you to know accurately the caloric intake of the foods and their composition thrust.

To use it, we have to enter the name of the food in the hand, and we obtain the number of calories. The application has at least 6 million foods, it is therefore a logbook formidable efficiency. This free app will make your happiness.

Also discover the applications of health for the skin