The wisdom of the crowd
Hello together,
just before the weekend I would like to point once more to the wisdom of the Many (… readers of this blog) . Dorena has provided in the comments of my previous Posts an interesting question that I cannot answer but, unfortunately, serious. But maybe you?
My husband and I are different days of the disabled since childhood and now both of the 50 years. There’s a very easy idea of how you want to possibly in the old life. My husband is spastic, guthörend, and I’m not in deafness bordering hard of hearing and,well, my nerves are also the best, the “upper story”often works slowly. My life experience tells me we can’t go into any Assisted Living or home in old age, because it came from Childhood, a disabled person is always better with people that have similar Handicaps. I don’t see (yet) that there are already Considerations on how you can work with mentally or multiply disabled people get around and where one can get it,if you are over 60 years old. This group of people can be nowadays, of similar age as all the others. In the statutory provisions is that it no longer has any entitlement to integration assistance, so it remains only “clean, fed, safe”. Will forget this group of people in the state care planning or how it looks? Who can recommend me something to read?
Dorena and I would be happy, if you are in the comments of helpful info and book – or reading you tips. Also, perhaps, an interesting discussion arises from this, Yes?! I’m curious ?