

What are some of your personal goals?

What are some of your personal goals?

Listed below are 21 personal development goals example that will aid and augment your personal growth journey into a happier more confident you.Embrace Empathy. Confidence. Listen Actively. Make fear your friend. Improve your body language. Get along with others. Get along with yourself. Stop procrastinating.

What are some good writing goals?

For writing, smart goals could be: Write one blog post every week. Write 500 words each day. Write a 10,000-word book by the end of the year….Planning gurus tell us to set smart goalsDouble your email list by the end of the year.Grow search engine traffic by 10% month-on-month.Grow profitability by 25% this year.

How do I find my new life goals?

Here are six ways to overcome isolation and discover your purpose in life.Read. Turn hurts into healing for others. Cultivate awe, gratitude, and altruism. Listen to what other people appreciate about you. Find and build community. Tell your story.

How do you set goals when you don’t know what you want?

How To Set Goals If You Don’t Know What You Want1) List four focus areas in your life. 2) What kind of feelings and experiences do you want in your life? 3) Are you doing things that point you to the direction that excite you more? 4) List what is ‘Hot’ and what is ‘Cold’ 5) List actions you can take today to start moving towards your bigger life.