

What are the 4 steps of seafloor spreading?

What are the 4 steps of seafloor spreading?

What are the 4 steps of seafloor spreading?

  • Magma comes out of the rift valley.
  • Magma cools to rock and hardens.
  • Rock is pushed away as new rock is formed at MOR.
  • Oceanic crust and continental crust meet at the trench.
  • Oceanic crust bends down under the continental crust.
  • Gravity pulls rock towards mantle.
  • Rock melts to mantle.

What are the steps that lead to seafloor spreading?

Terms in this set (7) Magma cools to rock and hardens. Rock is pushed away as new rock is formed at MOR. Oceanic crust and continental crust meet at the trench. Oceanic crust bends down under the continental crust.

What processes below are involved in the early stages of the formation of an ocean basin by sea-floor spreading quizlet?

  • molten material rises to surface-upwarps/thins crust, volcanic activity produces high density balsaltic rock.
  • Plates begin to move apart, linear rift valley is formed/volcanism contiues.
  • further spreading apart = rifting, area drops below sea level.

What are 3 pieces of evidence for the theory of seafloor spreading?

Look at Figure 19 to see the process of sea-floor spreading. Several types of evidence from the oceans supported Hess’s theory of sea-floor spreading-evidence from molten material, magnetic stripes, and drilling samples. This evidence also led sci- entists to look again at Wegener’s theory of continental drift.

What evidence is used to detect seafloor spreading?

The modern use of Geological Positioning allows for accurate measurements of the position of the sea floor allowing the detection of seafloor spreading. The first evidence of the seafloor spreading was the detection of alternating magnetic strips on either side of the mid Atlantic ridge.

What is seafloor spreading and why is it important?

Significance. Seafloor spreading helps explain continental drift in the theory of plate tectonics. When oceanic plates diverge, tensional stress causes fractures to occur in the lithosphere. At a spreading center, basaltic magma rises up the fractures and cools on the ocean floor to form new seabed.

What is the source of magma for seafloor spreading?

Sea-floor spreading — In the early 1960s, Princeton geologist Harry Hess proposed the hypothesis of sea-floor spreading, in which basaltic magma from the mantle rises to create new ocean floor at mid-ocean ridges.

Who proved that the seafloor is spreading?

Harry H. Hess

How does seafloor spreading relate to Supercontinents?

Sea floor spreading is related to supercontinents by It leads to the new formation of tectonic crust under the water that either pushes continents together or pulls them apart. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

How do Supercontinents affect climate?

Supercontinents may also influence global climate through their causal connection to mantle plumes and large igneous provinces (LIPs) linked to their breakup. By releasing greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, LIPs may amplify the warming trend of supercontinent breakup.

What is the meaning of supercontinent?

In geology, a supercontinent is the assembly of most or all of Earth’s continental blocks or cratons to form a single large landmass.

Will this new supercontinent be inhabitable for mankind?

No, it isn’t habitable because the entire continent collided and started to develop a new supercontinent, as people are likely to die due to collision Amasia is going to spread across most of the northern hemisphere, since its early phases would combine Asia and America, the researchers say.

Is inhabitable a word?

adjective. unfit to live in; uninhabitable:People need to evacuate immediately, as rapidly dropping temperatures will make the whole area inhabitable by sundown.

Is it possible for Pangea to happen again?

The answer is yes. Pangea wasn’t the first supercontinent to form during Earth’s 4.5-billion-year geologic history, and it won’t be the last. Next came Rodinia, which dominated the planet between 1.2 billion and 750 million years ago.

What broke Pangea?

About 180 million years ago the supercontinent Pangea began to break up. Scientists believe that Pangea broke apart for the same reason that the plates are moving today. The movement is caused by the convection currents that roll over in the upper zone of the mantle.