

What distance will a car traveling 65 km HR travel in 180 min?

What distance will a car traveling 65 km HR travel in 180 min?

We know that 180 minutes is 3 hours because one hour is 60 minutes, therefore 180 minutes / 60 minutes = 3 hours. So if a car can travel 65 km in an hour, in 3 hours, we just multiply 65 km by 3 to find out how far it’ll travel in 3 hours or 180 minutes. Hope this helps!

How long will it take to go 150000 m traveling at 50 km HR?

Question 1132609: how long will it take to go 150.000 m traveling at 50km\hr ? 3 hours. km\hr is not defined.

How long will it take a car to travel a distance of 1km if it has an average speed of 60 kph?

Answer: How long does it take to travel 1 km by car? We first calculate how many minutes it takes to travel 1 km at both speeds: 60 / 100 = it takes 0.6 minutes to travel 1 km. 60 / 110 = it takes 0.54 minutes to travel 1 km.

How long would it take for a car to travel a distance of 200 kilometers if it is traveling at a speed of 55 km HR?

How long would it take for a car to travel a distance of 200 kilometers if it is traveling at a velocity of 55km/hr? – 1oo kuchr t= 7,5 hours 7.

What is the speed of a car that travels 150 km in 3.00 hrs worksheet answers?

Answer Expert Verified = (150 km) / (2 hours) = (150 / 2) (km/hour) = 75 km/hour .

What is the speed of a baseball that travels 49 meters in 2.4 seconds?


How much time does it take a person to walk 12 km north at a velocity of 6.5 km h?


How much time does it take for a bird flying at a speed of 45?

40 hours

What is the velocity of a plane that traveled 3000 km west from New York to California in 5 hours?

1 Answer. The velocity of the airplane is 600 mi/h west.

How is speed different from velocity?

The reason is simple. Speed is the time rate at which an object is moving along a path, while velocity is the rate and direction of an object’s movement. Put another way, speed is a scalar value, while velocity is a vector.

What two measurements are necessary for calculating speed?

Answer and Explanation: Two essential measurements to calculating average speed are distance and time.

What two measurements do adults need to calculate their BMI?

Calculate BMI by dividing weight in pounds (lbs) by height in inches (in) squared and multiplying by a conversion factor of 703.

What is the speed of a car that travels 400m in 20 minutes?

400m in 20s by using the formula: average speed = distance traveled / elapsed time = 400m/20s = 20m/s.

What is needed for observing motion?

Motion is mathematically described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, speed, and time. The motion of a body is observed by attaching a frame of reference to an observer and measuring the change in position of the body relative to that frame with change in time.

What is the 4 types of motion?

In the world of mechanics, there are four basic types of motion. These four are rotary, oscillating, linear and reciprocating. Each one moves in a slightly different way and each type of achieved using different mechanical means that help us understand linear motion and motion control.

What are three ways to measure motion?

You can find it by dividing the distance covered by the time it takes to travel that distance.

  • Speed of Light. If a star is 10 light-years away, it is about 60 trillion miles distant.
  • Light-Year. A light ray travels 5.88 trillion miles a year in space.
  • Star Distance.
  • More Earthly Speeds.

How do you calculate movement?

Newton’s second law, which states that the force F acting on a body is equal to the mass m of the body multiplied by the acceleration a of its centre of mass, F = ma, is the basic equation of motion in classical mechanics.

What two factors are measured to determine motion?

The two factors necessary for the description of motion (the speed) are the distance covered by the moving body and the time taken by the moving body to cover this distance.

Does speed depend on direction?

Speed (s) – Rate at which an object is moving. Like distance, speed does not depend on direction.

Does speed depend on mass?

Mass doesn’t affect speed directly. It determines how quickly an object can change speed (accelerate) under the action of a given force. Lighter objects need less time to change speed by a given amount under a given force.

Is distance dependent on direction?

Distance does not depend on direction.

What is the relationship between speed and distance?

The speed is the time rate of change of the distance. If ‘D’ is the distance of an object in some time ‘T’, the speed is equal to, s = D/T. It has the same units as velocity. let us solve some examples, we will introduce the formulae as we go along.

Does distance affect time?

distance does relate to time though. two objects going the same velocity but different distances require a different amount of time to complete. you can use the formula d=rt (distance = rate or speed * time). interestingly enough, objects farther away from you will appear to move slower.

Are speed and distance directly proportional?

– When time is constant, then speed is directly proportional to distance. – When the distance is constant, then speed is inversely proportional to time.

Does speed have size?

Measurements that have magnitude (size) only are called scalar measurements. Measurements that have size and direction are called vector measurements. Speed is a scalar measurement – direction is not important. Velocity is a vector measurement – direction is important.