

What does a serving of fruit look like?

What does a serving of fruit look like?

One big piece of fruit is roughly a cup. An apple, an orange, a large banana, a nectarine, a grapefruit — one piece of fruit gives you one cup.

Which of the following best describes one serving of vegetables?

Generally 1/2 a cup of most fruits and vegetables is equivalent to one serving. Just remember that vegetables have a lot of volume, so 1/2 cup is really not a lot, making it only one serving.

Which of the following best describes one serving of dairy?

1 cup of yogurt best describes one serving of dairy.

Which of the following is an example of one cup of dairy?

In general, 1 cup of milk, yogurt, or soymilk (soy beverage), 1 ½ ounces of natural cheese, or 2 ounces of processed cheese can be considered as 1 cup from the Dairy Group.

Which one of the following choices is the closest in size to one serving of meat?

1 Answer. A deck of cards is the closest in size to one serving of meat.

Which one of the following choices is most accurate about fat soluble vitamins?

The most accurate statement about fat-soluble vitamins is: They can be stored in the body. The most accurate statement about fat-soluble vitamins is: They can be stored in the body. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Which one of the following choices best represents an advantage of cardiorespiratory fitness?

Decrease in fat stores best represents an advantage of cardiorespiratory fitness. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Which one of the following choices can be added to increase the creaminess?

Pureed root vegetables can be added to increase the “creaminess” and nutritional value of soups without adding fat.

What is the best cardiorespiratory workout?

Running, swimming, skating, and biking build cardiorespiratory endurance. 3 The same goes for brisk walking and climbing stairs. But if you’re exercising with young ones, you may want to turn your cardio workout into a game.

Which of the following choices best represents the organization of executive branch of government?

President, executive departments, individual federal agencies -best represents the organization of the executive branch of government.

How long should warm up and cool down activities take Weegy?

at least 15 minutes of vigorous activity. Every fitness program should include a warm-up, a primary conditioning period, and a cool-down.

What is the ideal length of time for a cool down following?

5 to 15 minutes

How long should warm up and cool down activities take?

Similar to your warm up, your cool down should take approximately 10 minutes and should consist of progressively lighter running which will safely return your blood pressure and heart rate to pre-exercise levels and also help limit any post-exercise soreness.

How long should warm up and cool down activities take Brainly?

5 to 10 minutes

What is the best plan for creating safe exercise goals?

-keep them low intensity. -keep them realistic. -keep them high intensity.

Which one of the following choices is most accurate in terms of cross training?

It better prepares muscles for new exercises -is most accurate in terms of cross-training. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Which routine is best suited for muscular endurance?

Cardio training is a great way to improve your aerobic muscular endurance. The best cardio is running (outside), cycling, rowing, and swimming. Swimming is really great as it works your entire body rather than cycling and running which is mostly training your lower body’s slow twitch muscle fibers.

Which condition describes the increase in size of a weightlifter’s muscles?

Muscle hypertrophy

Which one of the following types of exercise involves abrupt explosive movement?

Plyometric exercise

Which one of the following choices best describes an advantage of isometric exercise?

The correct option is A. Isometric exercise is a type of strength training exercise in which the muscle length and joint angles do not change during contraction. Isometric exercise is an high intensity exercise and it contributes to muscles building and fat burning. It also increases strength rapidly.

Which are the following muscle groups are exercised with performing dips?

A dip is an upper-body strength exercise. Narrow, shoulder-width dips primarily train the triceps, with major synergists being the anterior deltoid, the pectoralis muscles (sternal, clavicular, and minor), and the rhomboid muscles of the back (in that order).

Why is it a myth that aerobic exercise is the only way to burn fat quizlet?

Why is it a myth that aerobic exercise is the only way to burn fat? While aerobic exercise is a good way to burn fat, weight training is also a great way to burn calories. Weight training has very high energy requirements, so even a moderate weight-training workout can burn a large number of calories.

What are five possible reasons for taking supplements?

Five possible reasons for taking supplements or drugs as part of a a workout regimen are to improve muscle growth, muscle recovery, workout intensity, muscle endurance, and weight control. During your workout, your spotter stands next to you and discusses the workout routine with a personal trainer.

Why is spot training a myth quizlet?

Why is spot training a myth? Exercise cannot burn fat in a target body region. Well-designed weight-training programs only target two or three body areas.

When attempting to use the maxing out method?

When attempting to use the maxing out method to assess muscular strength, you would need a calculator, chart, book, or online resource to complete the necessary calculations. Maxing out means to lift the heaviest weight possible for one repetition while maintaining proper form.

When spotting a deadlift it is important to?

During a deadlift it’s important that we do not touch the lifter unless we see that they need assistance otherwise it could affect the form of the lifter.

What are two ways to determine your muscular strength?

Two ways to determine ones muscular strength is to either lift the heaviest weight possible or by doing one repetition.

Which suggested change would cause the greatest increase in amount of overload in your weight training workout?

The answer is putting on more weight and adding more distance in your movement. This is going to increase the resistance and will build muscle mass as you work out.

What are the seven elements of weight training?

The seven elements: overload, progression, specificity, regularity, recovery, balance, and variety are all very important to your program.

What are the FITT principles?

The FITT principles are an exercise prescription to help participants understand how long and how hard they should exercise. FITT is acronym that stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type. Frequency: Daily moderate exercise is ideal, but try to exercise a minimum of 3-5 days per week.