

What happens if you double the radius of a sphere?

What happens if you double the radius of a sphere?

When the radius of the sphere was doubled, its volume increased eight times. The surface area did increase when the radius doubled, but not as much as the volume.

Is the radius of a sphere is doubled then what is the ratio of the surface area?

The increase in surface area is 300% when the radius of a sphere is doubled. Therefore it is concluded that if the radius of a sphere is doubled then the ratio of their surface area​ is 4 times the old area. To know more about surface area , visit: The ratio of the surface area of two sphere is 3 : 5.

What happens to surface area when diameter is doubled?

1 Answer. Daniel L. If the diameter of a circle is doubled, its area increases 4 times.

What happens to the surface area of a sphere if the radius is tripled?

In the case of a sphere if the radius is tripled the surface becomes (3r)^2 or 9-fold. In other words the surface area will increase by 800%.

What is the ratio of volume of cylinder and a cone with same radius and height of both?

3 : 1 : 2.

What is ratio of volume of cylinder and cone?

Volume of cylinder (V1)=πr2h. & Volume of cone (V2)=31πr2h. then V1V2=31πr2hπr2h=31. ∴ ratio of volume of cone to that of cylinder is 1:3.

What is the ratio of a cone to a cylinder?

3 to 2

What is the ratio of the volume of a cone?

The formula for the volume of a cone is V=1/3hπr².

What is the ratio of the heights of Cone A and cylinder B?

Answer Expert Verified As, the bases are equal, Radius of cone = Radius of cylinder = r. Also, the volumes are equal. Let the height of cone be a and height of cylinder be b. a/b = 3/1 .

Is vertical height and slant height the same?

The vertical height (or altitude) which is the perpendicular distance from the top down to the base. The slant height which is the distance from the top, down the side, to a point on the base circumference.

What’s the difference between height and slant height?

The height is the measurement from the base to the top straight up. The Slanted height is the height from base to top on one face of the pyramid.

What is the formula of A² B²?

(A²-B²) = (A-B)² + 2AB.

Is a2 b2 c2 always true?

If you plug in the lengths of each side of the triangle into the Pythagorean equation and get a TRUE statement, then the triangle is a right triangle. Note: In order for a2+b2=c2 to be true, the side length c must be the largest side length.