

What happens when a acute angle is bisected?

What happens when a acute angle is bisected?

In an angle bisector, it is a line passing through the vertex of the angle that cuts it into two equal smaller angles. In the figure above, JK is the bisector. It divides the larger angle ∠LJM into two smaller equal angles ∠LJK and ∠KJM. The two smaller angles are adjacent angles because they share the common leg JK.

What type of angles result when an obtuse angle is bisected?

Answer Expert Verified an obtuse angle is an angle which have a measurement equal to more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. This angle is found in the second quadrant. in this case, when it is divided by two or bisected, the resulting angle ranges from 45 < A < 90 hence A. always acute.

What happens if an obtuse angle is bisected?

1 Expert Answer If we bisect this we have two angles 45.5° each. These are both acute since they are less than 90°. If we bisect this we have two angles 89.5° each. These are both acute since they are less than 90°.

How do you know if an angle has been bisected?

The Angle-Bisector theorem states that if a ray bisects an angle of a triangle, then it divides the opposite side into segments that are proportional to the other two sides. The following figure illustrates this. The Angle-Bisector theorem involves a proportion — like with similar triangles.

Does an angle bisector always bisect the opposite side?

The angle bisector theorem is commonly used when the angle bisectors and side lengths are known. It can be used in a calculation or in a proof. An immediate consequence of the theorem is that the angle bisector of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle will also bisect the opposite side.

Has all angles less than 180 degrees?

An obtuse angle is a type of angle whose degree measurement is more than 90° but less than 180°. Examples of obtuse angles are: 100°, 120°, 140°, 160°, 170°, etc. ∠ PQR is an obtuse angle because it’s less than 180° and greater than 90°.