

What is difficult in learning English?

What is difficult in learning English?

It has been called one of the most difficult languages to learn. Both for learners and native speakers alike – largely due to its unpredictable spelling and tricky to master grammar. We’re looking at some of the general reasons why people find learning English particularly difficult…

What is the hardest part of English grammar?

In my experience, as an English teacher with over 10 years’ experience, Spanish students learning English generally say the hardest aspects of English are prepositions, phrasal verbs, exceptions to grammar rules and the phonetics (including consonant clusters and th ‘th’ sound).

What do you find most difficult to learn English?

Speaking is the most difficult. we can learn the grammar. and we can recognize the pronunciation but when we try to speak we get nervous.

Is English easy to learn?

Despite these difficulties, English is actually the easiest language in the world to learn. Unlike other languages, English has no cases, no gender, no word agreement, and arguably has a simple grammar system.

Which skill is the most difficult one?

And according to that survey, writing is the most difficult one among the four skills. Certainly each learner will find out which skills they are good at or bad at because the ability of each learner in each skill is different.