

What is meant by compensation point in photosynthesis?

What is meant by compensation point in photosynthesis?

The (light) compensation point is the light intensity on the light curve where the rate of photosynthesis exactly matches the rate of cellular respiration. In assimilation terms, at the compensation point, the net carbon dioxide assimilation is zero.

What is compensation Point Class 10?

Answer: When the rate of photosynthesis is equal to rate of respiration, it is called as compensation point. The rate of liberation of O3 during photosynthesis is equal to the rate of liberation of CO2 during respiration. Compensation point is usually reached at dusk and dawn and on a cloudy day.

What is meant by light compensation point?

Compensation Point for Light (of photosynthetic plants) is the intensity of light at which the rate of carbon dioxide uptake (photosynthesis) is exactly balanced by the rate of carbon dioxide production (respiration) or equivalently, the light intensity at which the rate of oxygen production is exactly balanced by the …

How do you find the compensation point in photosynthesis?

There is an amount of light at which photosynthesis is just in balance with respiration. At this point, the rate at which respiration is producing CO2 is just balanced by the rate at which photosynthesis is using up CO2. This is the compensation point.

What happens at compensation point?

The Compensation Point is the point at which Photosynthesis and Respiration are in balance, so (in a perfect world) the amount of oxygen being produced by photosynthesis will just balance the amount being used by respiration. At this point there will be NO oxygen bubbles being produced in the leaf discs.

Which of the following has high CO2 compensation points?

Lichen. Hint:-High CO2 compensation point is found in plants in which photorespiration occurs as this process increases the output of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a limiting factor to photosynthesis.

What is called Warburg’s effect on photosynthesis?

In plant physiology, the Warburg effect is the decrease in the rate of photosynthesis due to high oxygen concentrations. Oxygen is a competitive inhibitor of carbon dioxide fixation by RuBisCO which initiates photosynthesis. Furthermore, oxygen stimulates photorespiration which reduces photosynthetic output.

Why is CO2 compensation point low in C4 plants?

The reason for low compensation value forC4 plants is the greater efficiency of CO2 fixation through PEP-carboxylase. The optimum CO2 concentration for C4 plants is 360 ppm and C3 plants, it is 450 ppm.

Is Photorespiration beneficial to plants?

However, it may have other benefits for plants. There’s some evidence that photorespiration can have photoprotective effects (preventing light-induced damage to the molecules involved in photosynthesis), help maintain redox balance in cells, and support plant immune defenses 8start superscript, 8, end superscript.

What is the importance of Photorespiration?

Significance of photorespiration: Photorespiration helps in dissipation of energy where stomata get closed during daytime because of water stress. Photorespiration protects the plant from photoxidative damage by dissipating excess of excitation energy.

Why is Photorespiration a mistake?

Photorespiration could be called a “mistake” because under high O2/CO2 conditions, rubisco breaks down glucose into carbon dioxide and water. No useful energy is gained from this, however. Rubisco is thought to have evolved when Earth had a reducing atmosphere.

What are the major consequences of Photorespiration?

Describe the major consequences of photorespiration. It generates no ATP, it consumes ATP. It produces no sugar. It counteracts what normal plants do.

Where does Photorespiration occur?


What is the difference between photosynthesis and photorespiration?

The main difference between photosynthesis and photorespiration is that the photosynthesis occurs when RuBisCO enzyme reacts with carbon dioxide while the photorespiration occurs when RuBisCO enzyme reacts with oxygen. Furthermore, photorespiration reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis.

What is the end product of Photorespiration?

It occurs when CO2 concentration is low inside the leaf. Thus, RuBisCO acts on oxygen instead of carbon dioxide and produces energy and carbon dioxide. The end product of photorespiration i.e., carbon dioxide is then utilised by the Calvin cycle to complete the photosynthesis.

What is the first product of Photorespiration?


What is carbon fixation and why is it important?

Carbon fixation is an integral part of photosynthesis, and something that must be taken into account when engineering photosynthesis into a new host. Carbon fixation can be used to reduce the host’s dependence on organic material as a carbon source and allow for a wider range of growth conditions.

Is carbon fixation the same as Calvin cycle?

The Calvin cycle uses the energy from short-lived electronically excited carriers to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds that can be used by the organism (and by animals that feed on it). This set of reactions is also called carbon fixation.

What is the most common pathway of carbon dioxide fixation?

Plants have evolved three pathways for carbon fixation. The most common pathway combines one molecule of CO2 with a 5-carbon sugar called ribulose biphosphate (RuBP). The enzyme which catalyzes this reaction, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (nicknamed RuBisCo), is the most abundant enzyme on earth!

What is the first product of carbon fixation?


Which of the following pathways is used to fix carbon dioxide?

Calvin cycle

What is full form of RuBP?

Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) is an organic substance that is involved in photosynthesis. It is a colourless anion, a double phosphate ester of the ketopentose (ketone-containing sugar with five carbon atoms) called ribulose.

What product is made in the Calvin cycle?

The carbon atoms used to build carbohydrate molecules comes from carbon dioxide, the gas that animals exhale with each breath. The Calvin cycle is the term used for the reactions of photosynthesis that use the energy stored by the light-dependent reactions to form glucose and other carbohydrate molecules.

Which of these is a product of the Calvin cycle?

The product of the Calvin cycle is a triose-phosphate sugar that is either exported from the chloroplast or used to regenerate RUBP.

Is oxygen a product of the Calvin cycle?

No it does not. All the oxygen released comes from “splitting” of water by photosystem II during the light-dependent reactions. The “extra” oxygen in CO₂ gets used during the hydrolysis of ATP during the Calvin Cycle.