

What is runoff quizlet?

What is runoff quizlet?

Runoff. water that flows over the earths surface rather than soaking into the ground.

Which phrase describes groundwater?

Hence, the correct phrases that describe groundwater are feeds rivers, used for irrigation, and provides drinking water.

What freshwater source is a permanent shallow body of water with plant life throughout?


What type of wetland is most likely found in warm forested areas?


What do wetlands provide for humans?

Today, we know that wetlands provide many important services to the environment and to the public. They offer critical habitat for fish, waterfowl and other wildlife, they purify polluted waters, and they help check the destructive power of floods and storms.

How do you drain wetlands?

Draining: Water is drained from wetlands by cutting ditches into the ground which collect and transport water out of the wetland. This lowers the water table and dries out the wetland. Diverting flow: Water is diverted around wetlands, lowering the water table.

How do I control water runoff in my yard?

Consider these affordable, do-able solutions to do just that.

  1. Add plants. Incorporate plantings, especially in areas where runoff collects.
  2. Protect trees. Like other plant roots, tree roots help absorb and filter runoff.
  3. Break up slabs.
  4. Go permeable.
  5. Catch runoff.
  6. Dig a trench.
  7. Plant a rain garden.
  8. Cover soil.

What are the best plants for wet soil?

Certain plants are naturally suited to thrive in wet environments, so look at my top recommendations for plants for wet and damp soil.

  • Shuttlecock fern. A graceful plant made up from long arching lime-green fronds.
  • Siberian dogwood.
  • Japanese water iris.
  • Lobelia cardinalis.
  • Arum lily.
  • Salix alba.
  • Hostas.
  • Sweet gum.

What grows in wet clay soil?

14 Plants That Thrive in Clay Soil

  • Iris. Iris species, including Japanese, Louisiana, bearded and more, tend to perform very well on heavy soil.
  • Miscanthus. Ornamental grasses do very well in clay.
  • Heuchera.
  • Baptisia.
  • Platycodon.
  • Hosta.
  • Aster.
  • Rudbeckia.

What trees are good to plant in wet areas?

All of the trees listed below will flourish in wet areas, even standing water:

  • Atlantic White Cedar.
  • Bald Cypress.
  • Black Ash.
  • Freeman Maple.
  • Green Ash.
  • Nuttall Oak.
  • Pear.
  • Pin Oak.

What evergreens grow in wet soil?

Dawn redwood, American larch and bald cypress all will grow in wet soil, but although they look like what most people call “evergreens,” they’re actually needled conifers that drop their needles in fall. So for screening, they wouldn’t help you in winter.

Do pine trees grow in wet soil?

Grown throughout the Northern Hemisphere for commercial and ornamental purposes, pines are evergreens and retain attractive foliage year-round. As softwoods, most pine species grow quickly (some as much as 36 inches per year), and many are tolerant of wet soils.

What shrubs can tolerate wet soil?


  • Red chokeberry, Aronia arbutifolia 4-9.
  • Black chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa 3-8.
  • Sweetshrub, Calycanthus floridus 4-9.
  • Button Bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis 6-9.
  • Summersweet, Clethra alnifolia 4-9.
  • Siberian dogwood, Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ 3-7.
  • Silky dogwood, Cornus amomum 4-8.
  • Gray dogwood, Cornus racemosa 3-8.

Can you plant trees in wet soil?

Naturally wet or clay soils can have a severe problem with drainage and planting most trees or shrubs in these locations will usually result in the plant dying unless it’s a variety that naturally lives in wet conditions, e.g. Bald Cypress or Pussy Willow.

Do willow trees soak up water?

Weeping Willows “seek” water. They do love water, but they can’t “sense” where it is. Their roots can soak up all that extra water and make a swampy part of the yard usable again. Even with all of this said, weeping willows will still tolerate some drought, which makes them a fairly hardy tree species.

Is it better to plant in wet or dry soil?

Yes, you should wet the soil before planting. This is a crucial step to take to ensure your planting goes well. Skipping this step may cause your plants to not root well in the soil or cause them to dry up and die shortly after placing them in the ground. Dry soil just won’t do the job.

What does wet soil look like?

Wet soil is sticky when rolled between the thumb and forefinger, while it has a plasticlike consistency when rolled in the palm of your hands. Soils that are too dry do not stick together and have a dusty consistency.