

What is the base of the heart?

What is the base of the heart?

The base of the heart, the posterior part, is formed by both atria, but mainly the left. The anterior of the heart is formed mainly by the right atrium and ventricle, due to the twisting of the heart during development, which causes the left atrium and ventricle to lie posteriorly.

Why is the base of the heart at the top?

It is not the most inferior surface of the organ but rather the most superior. It assumed the term because it is thought to resemble the base of the pyramid or cone which extends obliquely to the left to the apex of the heart.

What is the inferior surface of the heart?

The inferior or diaphragmatic surface of the heart forms a roughly straight plane or slight concavity that projects to the left and slightly inferiorly to the apex of the heart. It lies superior to the central tendon of the diaphragm and at its lateral projection, the muscular part of the left hemidiaphragm.

What are the three surfaces of the heart?

The heart can be described as having the following surfaces:

  • posterior surface (base) directed upward, backward and to the right.
  • apex. directed downward, forward and to the left.
  • anterior (sternocostal) surface. directed forward, upward and to the left.
  • inferior (diaphragmatic) surface.
  • right surface.
  • left (pulmonary) surface.

What is the Sternocostal surface of heart?

The sternocostal surface of the heart is directed anteriorly, superiorly and slightly to the left. It is formed by the left, right, superior and inferior borders of the heart. It consists of the anterior surfaces of the: right atrium: to the right and superior to the anterior atrioventricular groove.

What are the 4 surfaces of the heart?

The heart has five surfaces: base (posterior), diaphragmatic (inferior), sternocostal (anterior), and left and right pulmonary surfaces.

Is the heart base up or down?

The base of the heart is located at the level of the third costal cartilage, as seen in Figure 1. The inferior tip of the heart, the apex, lies just to the left of the sternum between the junction of the fourth and fifth ribs near their articulation with the costal cartilages.

How many surfaces does heart have?

In its typical anatomical orientation, the heart has 5 surfaces, formed by different internal divisions of the heart: Anterior (or sternocostal) – Right ventricle.

What divides the left and right side of the heart?

septum (SEP-tum): The septum is a thick wall of muscle that divides the heart. It separates the left and right sides of the heart.

Where is your heart located on a man?

Your heart is about the size of your clenched fist. It lies in the front and middle of your chest, behind and slightly to the left of your breastbone. It is a muscle that pumps blood to all parts of your body to provide it with the oxygen and nutrients in needs to function.

How does blood enter and leave the heart?

The right and left sides of the heart work together Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium. The pulmonary vein empties oxygen-rich blood, from the lungs into the left atrium.

What is function of cardiac muscle?

Cardiac muscle tissue works to keep your heart pumping through involuntary movements. This is one feature that differentiates it from skeletal muscle tissue, which you can control. It does this through specialized cells called pacemaker cells. These control the contractions of your heart.

What is cardiac muscle?

Cardiac muscle tissue is a specialized, organized type of tissue that only exists in the heart. It is responsible for keeping the heart pumping and blood circulating around the body. Cardiac muscle tissue, or myocardium, contains cells that expand and contract in response to electrical impulses from the nervous system.

What is the weakest muscle in your body?


Is tongue a muscle?

The soft patty of flesh we call the tongue is not just one muscle, it’s a conglomeration of eight separate muscles. Unlike other muscles, such as the bicep, tongue muscles don’t develop around a supporting bone.

What is the nerve supply of the tongue?

The hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) provides motor innervation to all of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue except for the palatoglossus muscle, which is innervated by the vagus nerve (CN X).

What nerves affect the tongue?

The hypoglossal nerve is a motor nerve, and it controls the muscles of the tongue that allow for speech and swallowing.

What animal does not have a tongue?

Taste sensations Other animals naturally have no tongues, such as sea stars, sea urchins and other echinoderms, as well as crustaceans, says Chris Mah via email. Mah is a marine invertebrate zoologist at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and has discovered numerous species of sea stars.

What animal has 8 hearts?

Explanation: Currently, there is no animal with that amount of hearts. But Barosaurus was a huge dinosaur which needed 8 hearts to circulate blood upto it’s head. Now, the maximum number of hearts is 3 and they belong to the Octopus.

Which animal does not have brain?


What animal has 800 stomachs?

Etruscan shrew
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Eulipotyphla
Family: Soricidae

What animal has green blood?


Which animal blood is black?

Brachiopods have black blood. Octopuses have a copper-based blood called hemocyanin that can absorb all colors except blue, which it reflects, hence making the octopus’ blood appear blue.

Which animal has no brain and heart?

What animal has 7 hearts?

Squids have three hearts; one main heart and two branchial hearts. Octopuses and squid have three hearts. Earthworms have five hearts. Scientists are studying cockroach and hagfish hearts to help design solutions for human heart disease.