

What is the chemical reaction of burning paper?

What is the chemical reaction of burning paper?

The act of burning paper actually results in the formation of new chemicals (carbon dioxide and water, to be exact) from the burning of the wax. Another example of a chemical change is what occurs when natural gas is burned in your furnace.

What reactants are needed to produce a fire?

The Fire Triangle. Three things are required in proper combination before ignition and combustion can take place—Heat, Oxygen and Fuel.

What will happen if you cover the fire with basin?

What happens if you cover a lit candle in a water basin with a glass? The glass becomes foggy on the inside and the flame fades and eventually goes out. The burning candle produces carbon dioxide and water in the form of water vapor. The glass becomes foggy due to this water.

Why does blowing on a fire make it bigger?

This does not work for larger flames, however. They are simply too hot to be stopped by blowing at it, and actual blowing temporarily increases the airflow in the fuel supply, allowing more oxygen to react with the fuel. This causes the flame to grow hotter.

What have you observe in the burning candle when it is covered?

Answer: When the burning candle is uncovered, it stays lit. When it is covered, the fire died.

What happens when you put a lid on a lit candle?

The lid closes off the candle to any new air, so the flame uses up all the oxygen in its enclosed environment and dies. This method causes very little smoke or smoldering, and any smoke that is emitted when the flame goes out is contained under the lid and not stinking up the room.

Why does my candle not smell when burning?

It can be possible that some of the fragrance is burning off simply by the heat of the melted wax. Adding your fragrance at too high of a temperature will do this. Selecting a hotter burning wick for your candles will also help with a candle’s hot throw.

Why is my candle not smelling?

If your scent is coming out too light, you may have mis-sized your wick. If you went on the small end, the pool of wax may not be hot enough to release the scent fully. Alternatively, you might have added your fragrance oil to the wax when it was too hot. Adding the fragrance oil to the hot wax is a common problem.

How much fragrance do I put in soy wax?

Most waxes will hold no more than 12% of fragrance oil however to assure the candle stability is not compromised we advise using 10% fragrance oil for optimal scent throw. This means if your candle is 100g in total- 90g should be wax and 10g would be your fragrance oil.

How long does it take for soy wax to cool?

about 5 minutes

Do soy wax melts need to cure?

We recommend storing your wax melts in a cool, dark place for approx. 2 weeks to ‘cure’. This isn’t essential however, so if you’re super excited to get melting a few hours after they’ve set, then that’s fine too!

What is needed to make scented candles?


  1. 2kg soy wax or paraffin.
  2. scented or essential oils or mica or candle powders in various colours (optional – the amount you’ll need depends on the desired colour, so start with 1/2 teaspoon and go from there)
  3. double boiler (or use a heatproof bowl and a saucepan)
  4. thermometer.