

What is the movement of a geometric shape?

What is the movement of a geometric shape?

Movements of figures on a plane are transformations. A transformation can be a translation, reflection, or rotation. A transformation is a change in the position, size, or shape of a geometric figure. The given figure is called the preimage (original) and the resulting figure is called the new image.

What is motion math geometry?

In geometry, a motion is an isometry of a metric space. For instance, a plane equipped with the Euclidean distance metric is a metric space in which a mapping associating congruent figures is a motion. Motions can be divided into direct and indirect motions.

What are the 3 rigid motions?

The three basic rigid motions are translation, reflection, and rotation. A pre-image describes a point or shape before it is moved.

Is flipping a pancake a rigid motion?

Flipping a pancake: After it is flipped, the pancake should stay the same size and shape, so it is a rigid motion and it is a rotation.

What is another name for rigid motion?

Rigid motions are also called isometries or congruence transformations. Translations, rotations, and reflections are rigid motions.

What do all rigid motions preserve?

Rigid motions map a line to a line, a ray to a ray, a segment to a segment, and an angle to an angle. Rigid motions preserve lengths of segments. Rigid motions preserve the measures of angles.

Do translations preserve distance?

Equal translations are translations over the same distance and in the same direction. Under a translation, the image of any line segment is a line segment that is equal in length and parallel to the object line segment. Translation preserves the distance between two points. Translation preserve length.

Does a reflection preserve distance?

Reflections do not preserve distances because the object is moving over, up, or down. Reflections preserve distance because it has to be a certain distance from the line of reflection.

Does a rotation followed by a translation preserve length?

When a transformation doesn’t change the side lengths and angle measurements of a shape, we call this preserving length and angle measurement. These are rigid transformations. Translations, rotations, and reflections are all rigid transformations.

What is the figure called after you have reflected it?

A reflection can be thought of as folding or “flipping” an object over the line of reflection. The original object is called the pre-image, and the reflection is called the image.

What is a movement of a figure along a straight line?

translation. A movement of a figure along a straight line; a slide.

What preserves a geometric figure’s size and shape?


What is used to describe how much the figure is enlarged or reduced?

The scale factor describes the size of an enlargement or reduction. For example, a scale factor of means that the new shape is twice the size of the original. A scale factor of means that the new shape is three times the size of the original.

When a figure is moved without turning it is called a?

In a translation or slide, a shape is moved along a straight line without turning. The shape in the new position is called a translation image of the shape.

What is rotation and reflection?

Reflection is flipping an object across a line without changing its size or shape. Rotation is rotating an object about a fixed point without changing its size or shape.

What are the properties of dilations?

Properties of Dilation

  • Each angle of the figure is the same.
  • Midpoints of the sides of the figure remain the same as the midpoint of the dilated shape.
  • Parallel and perpendicular lines in the figure remain the same as the parallel and perpendicular lines of the dilated figure.
  • The images remain the same.

What does it mean to translate an image?

Image translation refers to a technology where the user can translate the text on images or pictures taken of printed text (posters, banners, menu list, sign board, document, screenshot etc.). Image translation is related to machine translation.

What are the characteristics of a free translation?

The main feature of free translation is to translate the message/ theme not the meanings of word by word. Another important feature of free translation is is never to translate idioms and proverbs but to put therein the culture of the translation intake language.