

What is the similarity between breathing in an earthworm and a frog?

What is the similarity between breathing in an earthworm and a frog?

Answer. Answer: A frog and an earthworm both breathe through skin.

What organs are in the respiratory system of a frog?

The frog has three respiratory surfaces on its body that it uses to exchange gas with the surroundings: the skin, in the lungs and on the lining of the mouth. While completely submerged all of the frog’s repiration takes place through the skin.

What is the respiratory organ of earthworm?

Earthworms do not have lungs. They breathe through their skin. Oxygen and carbon dioxide pass through the earthworm’s skin by diffusion.

How are the respiratory organs of fish different from those of frogs?

Frog breathing-respiration Vertebrate respiratory organs include gills and lungs. Both of these organs develop from the pharynx. Aquatic fishes perform respiration with the help of gills. These may be internal gills and that to the exterior as external gill slits.

What is the breathing organ of birds?


What is positive pressure breathing in frogs?

Frogs actively create a higher pressure in their mouths (positive pressure breathing) whereas mammals use their diaphragm to create a low pressure within their lungs (negative pressure breathing)

What is positive and negative pressure breathing?

For air to enter the lungs, a pressure gradient must exist between the airway and the alveoli. This can be accomplished either by raising pressure at the airway (positive-pressure ventilation) or by lowering pressure at the level of the alveolus (negative-pressure ventilation)

Is inhalation positive or negative pressure?

When you inhale, the diaphragm and muscles between your ribs contract, creating a negative pressure—or vacuum—inside your chest cavity. The negative pressure draws the air that you breathe into your lungs.

Is Breathing positive or negative feedback?

So, control of breathing by carbon dioxide is an example of a negative feedback mechanism.

What is negative feedback example?

Examples of processes that utilise negative feedback loops include homeostatic systems, such as: Thermoregulation (if body temperature changes, mechanisms are induced to restore normal levels) Blood sugar regulation (insulin lowers blood glucose when levels are high ; glucagon raises blood glucose when levels are low)

Which type of feedback helps employees know what to keep doing?

Positive feedback

How is positive feedback harmful?

A positive feedback mechanism can be harmful, as in case of fever that causes metabolic changes pushing it to be higher. However, in some instances, the body uses this mechanism for its advantage. A good example of significant positive feedback is the childbirth.

Is fever a negative or positive feedback?

Medical Definition of Feedback In negative feedback, the body works to correct a deviation from a set point, it tries to get back to normal. In positive feedback, the body changes from the normal point and amplifies it. Examples include blood clot formation, lactation, contractions during childbirth, and fever.

How does negative feedback regulate body temperature?

Negative feedback – example Body temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus in the brain. If the hypothalamus detects that the body is too hot, the response is that the body begins to sweat to try and reduce the temperature back to the correct level.

What is negative feedback in medical terms?

Medical Definition of negative feedback : feedback that tends to stabilize a process by reducing its rate or output when its effects are too great