

What is the stair step line in the periodic table?

What is the stair step line in the periodic table?

Metals and Nonmetals The elements have an increasing nonmetallic character as one reads from left to right across the table. Along the stair-step line are the metalloids, which have properties of both metals and nonmetals. The nonmetals are located to the right of the stair-step line on the periodic table.

What type of elements are on the left of the stair step line?

The elements on the left are considered metals and the ones on the right are considered nonmetals. All of the elements that are adjacent to the stair step, with the exception of aluminum and polonium, are metalloids (also known as semi-metals).

What type of elements border the stair step or zigzag line?

Metalloids Metalloids, also called semiconductors, are the elements that border the zigzag line on the periodic table.

What are elements on the zigzag line called?

Metalloids – are found along the zigzag line on the periodic table.

What is the purpose of zigzag line?

The zigzag line in the periodic table is used to separate the metals and the nonmetals. In addition, the elements that touch the zigzag line are categorized as metalloids.

What do zig zags on the road mean?

A zigzag line means you are approaching a pedestrian crossing, even though you might not see it immediately.

What are elements on the left side called?

With the exception of HYDROGEN, the elements on the left side of the periodic table are METALS. Elements on the right side of the periodic table are NONMETALS. The staggered stair step on the periodic table divides the metals from the nonmetals. Metalloids are located on the stair step.

Which element is a main group metal?

Examples of main group elements include helium, lithium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and neon. Elements that are not main group elements are the transition metals (such as titanium, copper, and gold), the lanthanides (such as lanthanum and erbium), and the actinides (such as actinium and plutonium).

What do all the elements on the left side of the periodic table have in common?

Elements on the left side of the periodic table tend to be solid and metallic, elements on the right side of the periodic table are nonmetal and tend to be gases at room temperature, and the semi-metals are in between.

What are the properties of the elements located on the left side of the periodic table?

With the exception of hydrogen, the elements on the left-hand side of the periodic table are metals. Actually, hydrogen acts as a metal, too, in its solid state, but the element is a gas at ordinary temperatures and pressures and does not display metallic character under these conditions.

What are the four parts of the periodic table?

There are four main groups of elements in the periodic table: main group metals, non-metals, metalloids, and transition metals (See types of elements). There are 4 blocks in the periodic table.

Which one has the largest size BR I?

Br is placed above I in periodic table. Thus Br is smaller than I+,I,I−. Among I+,I,I− the lowest effective nuclear charge is experienced by I−. Thus it has largest size.

Which one has the largest size br i i cl?


Is iodine bigger than chlorine?

Answer: it a matter of atomic size of Cl-atom and I-atom. On the other hand, atomic size of Iodine is much bigger than that of Chlorine.

Which is bigger F or Cl?

The order in decreasing size would be Cl- > F- > Na+ > Li+. This can be explained by the following logic. Cl- would be the largest because it has the largest number of electrons, i.e. 18. Similarly Li+ would be the smallest because it has only 2 electrons and therefore the least electron- electron repulsion.

Does chlorine or iodine have a larger atomic radius?

Atomic Radius (increases down the group)

Halogen Covalent Radius (pm) Ionic (X-) radius (pm)
Fluorine 71 133
Chlorine 99 181
Bromine 114 196
Iodine 133 220

Which two trends increase when one moves across a period from left to right?

Ionization energy and electronegativity are the two trends than increase when one moves across a period from left to right.