

What percent by mass does the water constitute in Na2SO4 10H2O?

What percent by mass does the water constitute in Na2SO4 10H2O?


How do you find the percent by mass of Na2SO4?

Answer: Explanation: Molecular Formula : Na2SO4. Molecular Mass : 46 + 32 + 64 = 142 u.

What is the percent by mass of water in the hydrate?

The molar mass of the hydrate is the molar mass of the CoCl2 plus the mass of water. Calculate the percent by mass of water by dividing the mass of H2O in 1 mole of the hydrate by the molar mass of the hydrate and multiplying by 100%.

How do you calculate water percentage?

Divide the mass of the water lost by the mass of hydrate and multiply by 100. The theoretical (actual) percent hydration (percent water) can be calculated from the formula of the hydrate by dividing the mass of water in one mole of the hydrate by the molar mass of the hydrate and multiplying by 100.

What is the formula for hydrated salt?

5.2. 1 Inorganic phase-change materials. Salt hydrates are a category of inorganic salts which contain one or multiple water molecules such that the resulting crystalline solid has a chemical formula of AB·nH2O.

Why Some salts are hydrated?

1)Why salts are called hydrated : Salts are called hydrated salts because there are one or more chemically combined water molecule. This is known as water of crystallization. It indicates the number of water molecules which are chemically combined with the salt in its crystalline state.

What is hydrated salt give example?

In a hydrated salt, the water molecules are incorporated into the crystalline structure of the salt. The two examples are washing soda and gypsum. . It is used for washing purposes.

Why is lithium salts mostly hydrated?

Lithium is known to have the smallest size among all alkali metals. This is the primary reason why the Li+ ion has the ability to polarize water molecules more easily when compared to other alkali metals.

Why alkali metals have low melting and boiling point?

Alkali Metals have lower melting and boiling Points All Group 1 elements have one electron in their outermost shell which is held very weakly by the nucleus. The increasing atomic radius means weaker forces between the atoms and so a lower melting and boiling point.

Which halide exist as a hydrated salt?

LiCl or lithium chloride is formed hydrated salt.

Which one of the following alkali metal is most hydrated salts?


Which one of the following is not a hydrated salt?

Hence, option C is the correct answer. – Whereas in compounds like BaCO4, Ca(OH)2 and MgCO3 does not have any loosely attached water molecule that’s why are not considered as hydrated salt.

Which halide has highest melting point?

NaF has maximum melting point, melting point decreases of sodium halide with increases in size of halide their bond energy get lower. Was this answer helpful?

Which one is the highest melting halide KCL KBR KF Ki?

K+ is from Period 4 with a charge of +1 while Cl– is from Period 3 with a charge of –1. We can see that KF has the highest lattice energy. The ionic compound with the highest melting point is KF.

Which is more ionic NaCl or MgCl2?

Therefore, MgCl2 is more covalent than NaCl.

Why is BeCl2 covalent?

Due to small size and high charge density Be, its polarizing power is maximum, since Be+2 ion essentially pull the electrons cloud from Cl- , such that the electrons pair are effectively shared. This give covalent character to BeCl2.

Is BeCl2 a covalent bond?

Beryllium Chloride is a covalent compound. The difference between the electronegativity between Chlorine(Cl, 3.16) and beryllium(Be, 1.57) is 1.59, which makes it a polar bond which means it is a covalent/molecular compound.

Why is BeCl2 more covalent than LiCl?

BeCl2 is more covalent than LiCl. As per the Fajan’s rule, more the polarisation, more will be the covalent character.

What is the name for BeCl2?

Beryllium chloride

What is the hybridization of BeCl2?

Hybridization of BeCl2 (Beryllium Dichloride)

Name of the Molecule Beryllium Dichloride
Molecular Formula BeCl2
Hybridization Type sp
Bond Angle 1800
Geometry Linear