

What type of radiation is uranium-238?

What type of radiation is uranium-238?

Uranium-238 emits alpha particles which are less penetrating than other forms of radiation, and weak gamma rays As long as it remains outside the body, uranium poses little health hazard (mainly from the gamma-rays).

What is the atomic difference between uranium 235 and uranium-238 quizlet?

What is the atomic difference between uranium-235 and uranium-238? Uranium-235 has three fewer neutrons than uranium-238. have more neutrons than the usual nitrogen atom.

Is uranium-238 a radioisotope?

Uranium (92U) is a naturally occurring radioactive element that has no stable isotope. All three isotopes are radioactive (i.e., they are radioisotopes), and the most abundant and stable is uranium-238, with a half-life of 4.4683×109 years (close to the age of the Earth).

What do U-235 and Pu 239 have in common?

What do U-235 and Pu-239 have in common? They are both fissionable – i.e. fissile.

Is it legal to own uranium?

As long as it’s natural uranium (not enriched) and as long as you stick with an “unimportant quantity” – as defined in Title 10, Section 40.13 of the Code of Federal Regulations – then anybody can own uranium without having to have a radioactive materials license.

How much is a pound of uranium worth?

During 2019, 22% of the uranium delivered was purchased under spot contracts at a weighted-average price of $27.89 per pound. The remaining 78% was purchased under long-term contracts at a weighted-average price of $37.73 per pound (Table 7).

What if we nuke the moon?

The explosion would also likely create a shotgun-like blast of moon debris, as lower gravity makes it easier for moon rocks and dust to easily escape the moon’s gravity. This would be ejected into space, but also strike Earth, creating micrometeor showers visible in the night sky.

Can you survive a nuclear blast underwater?

Since the boiling point of water isn’t very high and the flash doesn’t last very long, the whole body of water will stay cool, even if it’s only a swimming pool. All considered, if you are under nuclear attack, yes that is a good time for a swim.

What happens if a nuke goes off in the ocean?

Unless it breaks the water surface while still a hot gas bubble, an underwater nuclear explosion leaves no trace at the surface but hot, radioactive water rising from below. During such an explosion, the hot gas bubble quickly collapses because: The water pressure is enormous below 2,000 feet (610 m).

Can a nuke cause a tsunami?

The tests revealed that a single explosion would not produce a tsunami, but concluded that a line of 2,000,000 kg (4,400,000 lb) of explosives about 8 km (5.0 mi) off the coast could create a destructive wave.