

What word means equal measure?

What word means equal measure?

To an equal degree or extent; in an equal amount or portion. We’ve worked in equal measure with law enforcement and mental health professionals to tackle the issue.

What does held in equal measure mean?

1. used for saying that two things have an equal effect or importance. He was one of those people who bore and infuriate in equal measure.

What do you call two things that are equal?

Some common synonyms of identical are equal, equivalent, same, selfsame, and very.

What means equal?

1 : exactly the same in number, amount, degree, rank, or quality an equal share of equal importance. 2 : the same for each person equal rights. 3 : having enough strength, ability, or means He’s equal to the task.

What is another name for Equal?

What is another word for equal?

identical uniform
equivalent same
commensurate comparable
corresponding indistinguishable
like matched

What is the word when everything is the same?

uniformity. noun. the state of being the same as each other or as everything else.

What is a word for a little bit of everything?


How do you say in the same way?

Synonyms for In the same way

  1. similarly. adv.
  2. likewise. adv.
  3. in the same manner. adv.
  4. equally. adv.
  5. in the same vein.
  6. by the same token.
  7. in a similar way. adv.
  8. in like manner. adv.

How do you say the same as?

same as

  1. commensurate.
  2. identical.
  3. alike.
  4. duplicate.
  5. equal.
  6. equivalent.
  7. indistinguishable.
  8. like.

Is same as meaning?

: someone or something that is exactly like (another person or thing being discussed or referred to) Your idea is the same as his.

How do you say you too in different ways?

Synonyms for You too

  1. likewise. adv.
  2. back at you.
  3. same to you.
  4. feeling is mutual.
  5. ditto. adv.
  6. wish you the same.
  7. and same to you.
  8. and you.

How do you respond to love?

Alternative Responses To I Love You

  1. I love you way more.
  2. Thank you for loving me.
  3. I am so obsessed with you.
  4. There is nothing better than hearing you say that.
  5. You make the world a better place.
  6. No, I love you!
  7. You are the only person who can make me smile constantly.

How do you say I like you too in different ways?

Sweet Responses To ‘I Love You’

  • ‘I’m crazy about you!
  • ‘Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with happiness when you say those three words!
  • ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • ‘You complete me.
  • ‘If I could say how much I love you in mere words, I might be able to talk more.

What is the reply of same to you?

Originally Answered: What is correct same to you or same with you? Both are correct, it’s just a matter of preference, and the circumstance. Ex: “Do you prefer one or the other? Or is it the same to you?” This is asking for someone’s preference.

How do you reply all the best?

Yes, you can say “you too,” but that’s usually if you’re good friends with the person, like a good friend or a best friend. A couple of other responses you can do are: “Thanks/thank you, you too.” This is a great thing to say to anyone, even if you don’t know them that well.

How do you reply to Thanks?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. No problem.
  3. No worries.
  4. Don’t mention it.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. Anytime.
  7. It was the least I could do.
  8. Glad to help.

How do you respond to thank you professionally?

How to Respond to Thank You (In Any Situation)

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. You’re very welcome.
  3. That’s all right.
  4. No problem.
  5. No worries.
  6. Don’t mention it.
  7. It’s my pleasure.
  8. My pleasure.

What is the answer of my pleasure?

Answer. “My pleasure” is an idiomatic response to “Thank you.” It is similar to “You’re welcome,” but more polite and more emphatic. Use it in formal conversation when someone thanks you for doing a favor, and you want to respond in a way that tells them that you were very happy to help and that you enjoyed it.

How do you say thank you too?

If both you and the other person have mutually done something nice for one another, then “Thank you too” is good. If you alone have done the favour, then “You’re welcome” is better.

How do you reply Thank you and take care?

2 Answers. “You too!” is a possible reply, or “You take care too!” Your reply includes the subject “you” but it is not in the right place. Since “Take care” would normally be said to someone who is departing by someone who is staying, it might not always be appropriate to say “you too”.

How do you reply to a beautiful comment?

If you want to respond in a simple way and thank your date or partner for the compliment, you can say:

  1. “Thanks so much – I really appreciate you saying that.”
  2. “Thank you – that was really sweet to say.”
  3. “Wow, thanks so much.”
  4. “Thanks – that means a lot.”

How do you say thank you in a rude way?

Funny Ways to Say Thank You

  1. I don’t understand people who say, “I don’t know how to thank you!” Like they’ve never heard of money.
  2. Thank you for being my unpaid therapist.
  3. I’m doing the happy dance.
  4. Today I am wearing the smile that you left me with the other day.
  5. You made me smile from ear to ear.

How do you express thankfulness in writing?

Other ways to say thank you in any occasion

  1. I appreciate what you did.
  2. Thank you for thinking of me.
  3. Thank you for your time today.
  4. I value and respect your opinion.
  5. I am so thankful for what you did.
  6. I wanted to take the time to thank you.
  7. I really appreciate your help. Thank you.
  8. Your kind words warmed my heart.

How do you thank someone in a cute way?

Cute Ways to Say Thank you

  1. You make me jump for joy.
  2. I’m beaming with appreciation for you.
  3. You make me feel so lucky.
  4. I wish I could be as thoughtful as you.
  5. You knew exactly what to get me.
  6. This is so heartfelt.

How do you say thank you in a creative way?

Thirteen Creative Ways to Say Thank You

  1. Smile – The Easiest Way to Say Thank You. Express your gratitude with a genuine smile and the other person will almost always smile back.
  2. Send a Note.
  3. Make a Phone Call.
  4. Offer a Unique Gift.
  5. Add a Personal Touch.
  6. Bake Some Cookies.
  7. Take Them Out on the Town.
  8. Share Their Story.

How do you say thank you 100 ways?

100+ Alternative Ways to Say “Thank You!”

  1. A million thanks to you!
  2. I wish I were more like you.
  3. You have been so helpful to me.
  4. I fricking appreciate it, pal!
  5. Gracias!
  6. You’ve made such a difference in my life.
  7. I hope that one day, I can repay the favor.
  8. You make me want to be a better person.

How do you write a beautiful thank you note?

What to Write in a Thank You Note

  1. Open your card with a greeting that addresses your card recipient.
  2. Write a thank you message to express your gratitude.
  3. Add specific details to your thank you card.
  4. Write a forward-looking statement.
  5. Reiterate your thanks.
  6. End with your regards.