

What would cause the greatest increase in acceleration of a satellite?

What would cause the greatest increase in acceleration of a satellite?

Answer: A decrease in the radius and an increase in the tangential speed.

What causes a satellite to move tangential to a circular path?

Explanation : We know that two forces acting on the satellite. The speed of the satellite and the force of the gravity on the satellite then the result , the satellite moves around the earth in a circular motion.

Why does the circular velocity of an earth satellite depend on the distance from Earth’s center?

At the correct orbital velocity, gravity exactly balances the satellite’s inertia, pulling down toward Earth’s center just enough to keep the path of the satellite curving like Earth’s curved surface, rather than flying off in a straight line. The orbital velocity of the satellite depends on its altitude above Earth.

Which formula can be used to find the tangential speed of an orbiting object?

The orbital speed can be found using v = SQRT(G*M/R). The R value (radius of orbit) is the earth’s radius plus the height above the earth – in this case, 6.77 x 106 m.

What unit is used for tangential velocity?

The tangential velocity formula is applied in calculating the tangential velocity of any object moving in a circular path. It is expressed in meter per second (m/s).

Is tangential speed constant?

While the speed of the object is constant, its velocity is changing. The direction is always directed tangent to the circle and as the object turns the circle, the tangent line is always pointing in a new direction.

How do you find tangential speed?

Divide the circumference by the amount of time it takes to complete one rotation to find the tangential speed. For example, if it takes 12 seconds to complete one rotation, divide 18.84 by 12 to find the tangential velocity equals 1.57 feet per second.

Is constant speed and uniform speed same?

During uniform motion, velocity remains constant with time and change in velocity for any time interval is zero. Constant velocity is the velocity whose direction as well as magnitude remains constant. Uniform velocity is the velocity whose magnitude(only) increases with equal intervals of time.

Does uniform mean constant?

The word uniform means the “same in all cases”. Therefore, constant and uniform are often used interchangeably. The word “uniform” in this case means it is travelling at a constant speed, and in such a case the magnitude of velocity is constant, but the direction changes.

What is the difference between uniform velocity and uniform acceleration?

Uniform velocity refers to the constant moving speed. Uniform acceleration refers to an object moving with constant acceleration w.r.t. time.

What is an example of uniform acceleration?

In simpler terms, a number equal to the acceleration in such a motion does not change as a function of time. Some uniform accelerated motion examples include a ball rolling down a slope, a skydiver jumping out of a plane, a ball dropped from the top of a ladder and a bicycle whose brakes have been engaged.

What is known as uniform velocity?

The condition in which a body covers equal distance in an equal interval of the time is known to be uniform velocity. In equation( d=v t ) v is the average velocity of a body during time t. if both its magnitude and direction do not change with time then it can be said that the body is at uniform velocity.

What is the example of uniform velocity?

1 Answer. Uniform Velocity : An object with uniform velocity covers equal distances in equal intervals of time in a specified direction e.g., an object moving with speed of 40 km h -1 towards west has uniform velocity.

What is the difference between uniform and variable velocity?

Uniform velocity doesn’t change with time, while variable velocity changes with respect to time. D. Uniform velocity is vector, while variable velocity is scalar. When the motion of a body is in such a way that it has equal displacements in equal intervals of time, the body is said to be in uniform velocity.

What is difference between velocity and speed?

Speed is the time rate at which an object is moving along a path, while velocity is the rate and direction of an object’s movement. Put another way, speed is a scalar value, while velocity is a vector.

Which best defines the relationship between speed and velocity?

Answer Expert Verified The speed is a scalar quantity because it has only magnitude while the velocity is a vector quantity i.e. having both magnitude and direction. The relationship between speed and velocity is ” velocity is speed with displacement “.

What is the acceleration of gravity at the surface of Earth quizlet?

PLAY. Match. Only $2.99/month. What is the acceleration of gravity at the surface of Earth? A) 9.8 m/s downward.