

What would make an element have a higher electron affinity?

What would make an element have a higher electron affinity?

Electron affinity increases upward for the groups and from left to right across periods of a periodic table because the electrons added to energy levels become closer to the nucleus, thus a stronger attraction between the nucleus and its electrons.

Which family of elements has high electron affinity?


Which metalloid has highest electron affinity?


Which element has the highest electron affinity most negative value )?

Which group has highest electron affinity?


Which element has the most positive electron affinity?

How do you explain electron affinity?

Electron affinity is the energy change that results from adding an electron to a gaseous atom. For example, when a fluorine atom in the gaseous state gains an electron to form F⁻(g), the associated energy change is -328 kJ/mol.

What is the other name of electron affinity?

Electron gain enthalpy

Is electron affinity positive or negative?

Unlike ionization energies, which are always positive for a neutral atom because energy is required to remove an electron, electron affinities can be negative (energy is released when an electron is added), positive (energy must be added to the system to produce an anion), or zero (the process is energetically neutral) …

How does Zeff affect electron affinity?

Larger the size of an atom, larger will be the distance between the nucleus and the incoming electron. Thus, smaller will be force of attraction felt by incoming electron and hence smaller will be the value of Electron affinity.

Why is energy released in electron affinity?

When electrons are added to an atom, the increased negative charge puts stress on the electrons already there, causing energy to be released. When electrons are removed from an atom, that process requires energy to pull the electron away from the nucleus. Addition of an electron releases energy from the process.

Why does chlorine have the highest electron affinity?

Answer. Chlorine has higher electron affinity than fluorine because the atomic radius of Chlorine is larger than fluorine because of more electrons . So, the tendency to lose it’s electrons also increase .

How does size affect electron affinity?

There are two factors that can affect electron affinity. These are atomic size and nuclear charge. The smaller the atom is, the closer the outermost shell is; therefore, it is a stronger attraction between the nucleus and the incoming electron. That means the electron affinity is higher for smaller atoms.

Why do halogens have high electron affinity?

The high electron affinities of the halogens are a result of their small size, high effective nuclear charge and having an almost complete outer shell of electrons. The addition of an electron to an atom results in a completely filled shell or make them to have stable configuration.

Do noble gases have high electron affinity?

The major exception to this rule are the noble gases. They are small atoms and do follow the general trend for ionization energies. Any electrons added to a noble gas would have to be the first electron in a new (larger) energy level. This causes the noble gases to have essentially zero electron affinity.

Why does electron affinity decrease from top to bottom?

Electron affinity generally decreases down a group of elements because each atom is larger than the atom above it (this is the atomic radius trend, discussed below). Electron affinity decreases from top to bottom within a group. This is caused by the increase in atomic radius.

Where is the highest electronegativity found?

Electronegativity increases from bottom to top in groups, and increases from left to right across periods. Thus, fluorine is the most electronegative element, while francium is one of the least electronegative.

Why is it easier to remove an electron from potassium than it is to remove an electron from calcium?

For calcium, we have a much larger atom because we have more electrons and the electrons are at energy levels farther from the nucleus. Since the potassium is a smaller atom, its outer electrons have a greater effective nuclear charge so it’s harder to remove them from the atom.

Why is it difficult to remove an electron from halogens?

The trend seen for the complete removal of an electron from the gaseous halogen atoms is that fluorine has the highest IE1 and iodine the lowest. As the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electrons increases, the attraction decreases so that those electrons are easier to remove.

Which of the following atoms would it be the most difficult to remove an electron?

The ionization energy of the elements increases as one moves up a given group because the electrons are held in lower-energy orbitals, closer to the nucleus and thus more tightly bound (harder to remove). Based on these two principles, the easiest element to ionize is francium and the hardest to ionize is helium.

Why the first ionization energy of K is less than that of CA?

Ca+ has more shells and shielding than K+ . This outweighs the fact that Ca+ has more protons in the nucleus, meaning means there is a weaker attraction between the nucleus and the electron to be removed, meaning less energy is required to remove it.

Does CA or K have a lower electron affinity?

K has a more exothermic electron affinity because the electron gained fills the 4s orbital. In Ca the electron goes to 3d. The energy gap between 4s and 3d is enough to make the process barely exothermic.

What is the first ionization energy of CA?

6.1132 eV