

What would you do if you were a bird essay?

What would you do if you were a bird essay?

If I were a bird, I would like to be one of the small species, cute and beautiful. I would love to be a tiny maina who is beautiful, tiny and above all, it is a bird that man can keep as a pet. My ambition as a bird would be able to fly high as high can be, like any other bird.

How do you write a paragraph on if I were a bird?

If I were a bird, I would fly to distant lands, see the whole world and make many foreign friends whose company I would enjoy. I would also like to fly higher and higher in the tension free skies and look down upon this cruel and selfish world. If I were a bird, I would lead a very happy life.

What would you have done if you were a bird?

If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky , because I would always want to fly high. I would fly high to look over the city where I live, and it would be very cool. I would fly to the woods to see the beautiful scenery. If I were a bird I could find the answers to everything, and I could fly anywhere I want.

Why would you want to become a bird?

Birds Are Extremely Intelligent, Easy to Train, and Social. Being intelligent makes birds easier to train, than other animals. Since they are so smart, they’re interesting to watch and be around. Their love of learning makes them fun to entertain and be entertained by.

What are the benefits of having a bird?

The Benefits of Bird Ownership

  • Long Lifespan. Most companion birds have fairly long life-spans, as compared to other pets.
  • Social Interaction. Recent studies have shown that keeping birds encourages social interaction, which is good for your mental health.
  • Nurturing.
  • Empathy.
  • Lower Stress.
  • Keep Your Mind Sharp.
  • Next Steps.

Is it good to keep birds at home?

In Vastu, feeding birds is known to resolve planetary problems of a person and bring harmony in the environment around. *It is cruel to cage a bird. This can spread negative energies in the home. *Always keep water for birds in an earthenware in the south-east direction of the house.

Do birds get bored in cages?

Q: Do birds get bored? Seriously, though, birds probably do have the potential for boredom, and some kinds probably more than others. Much has been written about this in regard to parrots kept in cages. Parrots are generally social birds, and they’re thought to be quite intelligent.

Are birds happy in cages?

Like dogs on chains, caged birds crave freedom and companionship, not the cruel reality of forced solitary confinement for the rest of their very long lives. Driven mad from boredom and loneliness, caged birds often become aggressive and self-destructive.

Do birds love humans?

Do birds bond with humans? The answer is yes. Bird enthusiasts have observed that certain pet birds develop an emotional attachment to their caregivers. But birds like parrots and starlings easily develop a strong bond with humans.

Can a bird cry?

According to Scott Forbes of the University of Winnipeg, like humans, birds have tear ducts which secrete watery tears that protect the eye. So birds could cry if they wanted to, they just choose not to.

How do birds kiss humans?

Despite them not having lips to pucker, these birds do love to dole out some kisses to their beloved humans. Their kisses usually involve the parrot putting his beak against your face, mostly around your lips or cheeks, which can be followed by your bird smoothly nibbling you.

Do birds feel sad?

Grief and sadness: Grief is a complex emotion and just as all humans react differently when grieving, birds can also react differently. Birds have been documented as obviously looking for a lost mate or chick, however, and listless behaviors and drooped postures are common indicators of grieving birds.

Do birds sense death?

So birds certainly possess the capacity to mourn—they have the same brain areas, hormones, and neurotransmitters as we do, “so they too can feel what we feel,” Marzluff says—but that doesn’t mean we know when it’s happening. Sometimes, the whole flock will circle back to where their fellow bird has fallen.

Do birds cry when hurt?

They limp, they cringe, they howl, they wine, they have little sad faces, they cry or scream when you try to do anything to their “sore bits”. When birds are in pain they will sometimes limp, hold their wing at a strange angle or something more obvious. But often they may just look at you blankly and do nothing!

Do birds think?

But in truth, birds do think, and we are part of what they think about – since we live in the same environment. Birds don’t naturally think of humans as friends but as predators. When a bird sees an unfamiliar human, the first thought that goes through its brain is to fly away.

How can you tell if a bird is in pain?

The following are indications that an animal may be sick or injured:

  • The animal is quiet, dull, the eyes may be closed, and it has fluffed feathers (the bird looks “puffed up”).
  • It may have an obvious wound, breathing problems, a drooping wing, or show lameness or an inability to stand.

Do birds feel pain in their wings?

There is no physical pain while clipping a bird. Some birds are even trained to participate in wing clipping: But for many birds, this could be a psychologically painful and traumatic experience. Furthermore, the stress can indirectly harm them physically by weakening their immune system.

Is it cruel to cut a bird’s wings?

If the feathers are clipped too much, the bird will fall, possibly breaking his or her fragile bones. Because clipping can cause irritation, birds will repeatedly pick at the feathers, which only causes more irritation and starts a vicious cycle. Let birds be birds. Birds have wings and feathers so that they can fly.

What happens if you don’t clip your birds wings?

This is not just a matter of waiting for feathers to grow back, either. A bird who doesn’t fly can’t exercise its flight muscles, meaning they will become extremely weak during that period of disuse. Clipped birds tend to learn that attempting flight results in falling and are reluctant to try it again in the future.

What if I am a bird?

I feel if I were a bird, I could also fly above my house and above this place. I wish to be a bird so that I could fly above the sky where the Planes fly. I would be able to wave my hands pointing the pilot. If I were a bird I could also fly to the top of the big mango tree nearby our fishery.

What would I do if I could fly essay?

If i have wings i feel i’m the most luckiest on this earth. I will fly from place to place and explore things. I will fly upon the water levels and enjoy. Fly across mountains, waterfalls and i will sleep across the nature’s lap in the top of hills.

What will happen if I could fly?

If humans could fly , Architecture would be radically different. Balconies would be entry/exit gates and would not have railing. Elevators would be needed for cargo and to go to the parking lot. Footover bridges would not be required.

What will happen if we can fly?

If people were able to fly instead of drive, we’d reduce the amount of greenhouse gas released from transportation. This would create cleaner skies and better air.

Can a human fly?

Humans are not physically designed to fly. We cannot create enough lift to overcome the force of gravity (or our weight). It’s not only wings that allow birds to fly. Air sacs inside their bodies make birds lighter, which enables smoother motion through air.

Can planes fly to space?

Planes can and have flown into space for over 50 years – though not the kind you see at the airport. That’s because conventional planes need air for both propulsion and lift, and space is essentially a vacuum.

What if all humans could fly?

If humans could fly ,there would be traffic lanes ,Sky poliCE and lots of accidents. People would crash into eachother and drop out of the sky onto the ground . Superheros would have the same abilities as regular humans ,allowing us to defend ourselves better .

What if humans have wings?

Even if humans did have wings, we wouldn’t immediately be able to fly. To fly, we would also need the right body size and metabolism. Metabolism is our body’s ability to use fuel (such as from the food we eat) to make energy, which helps us move. Birds have very higher metabolisms than us.

What if humans had tails?

Tails would play a role in how humans maintained balance, depending on how long they were. Sports and hand-to-hand combat would be dramatically different. Tails would be sexualized. Tail length and girth would become a major factor in how males were perceived and “tail envy” would be ubiquitous.

Do tails help humans?

Humans walk really well on just two legs, so we don’t need tails to help us keep our balance. In fact, a tail might throw us off balance.

How did humans lose tails?

Losing the tail fin was strike one. Strike two happened once human ancestors lost what remained of their bony tail to accommodate upright movement. In both fish and humans, however, we can still see the remnants of the bony tail buried in our lower backs — the coccyx or tailbone.

What if humans went extinct?

Earth would flourish. It appears the vast over population and pollution of the world is the result of over thirty millennia of struggle to reach the Moon and determine its nature. If humans went extinct then the state of the earth would be of no consequence to us because we wouldn’t exist.

Who made humans?

Modern humans originated in Africa within the past 200,000 years and evolved from their most likely recent common ancestor, Homo erectus, which means ‘upright man’ in Latin. Homo erectus is an extinct species of human that lived between 1.9 million and 135,000 years ago.

What happens if animals are extinct?

“When a predator goes extinct, all of its prey are released from that predation pressure, and they may have big impacts on ecosystems.” “If there are too many deer, for example, they can really change the ecosystem because they can destroy forests, and they also carry disease,” Baldwin said.

What animals will be extinct by 2050?

15 Animals That Will Be Extinct By 2050 If We Don’t Help

  • Orangutans. Orangutans play an important role in their environment by feasting on fruit and spreading out the seeds around the ecosystem.
  • Lemurs.
  • Hawksbill turtle.
  • Rhinos.
  • Polar bears.
  • Gorillas.
  • Vaquitas.
  • Cheetahs.

What animals are almost extinct 2020?

9 species facing extinction due to habitat loss

  • Indian Elephant. Indian elephants are the first species on our endangered list due to habitat loss.
  • Whale. Whales are at the top of the food chain, however in the North Atlantic only 400 exist.
  • Mountain Gorilla.
  • Black Rhinoceros.
  • Sea Turtle.
  • Orangutan.
  • Red Panda.
  • Tiger.