

Whats the quotient of and 3?

Whats the quotient of and 3?

ten less the quotient of a number and 3 is 6.

What divided by what equals 3 with a remainder of 12?

Therefore, the answer to what divided by 12 equals 3 is 36. You can prove this by taking 36 and dividing it by 12, and you will see that the answer is 3.

What is ten more than the quotient of a number and 3 is 12?

1 Expert Answer 10 more than means you are adding 10 to something. Quotient of a number and 3= N/3 it is telling you what you have around the function. 10+ (N/3)= 12 You could also write it as N/3 +10 =12.

What is the equation for 4 less than a number n is − 15?

Answer Expert Verified 4 less than a number “n” is -15. Equation: n-4 = -15.

What is 4 less than twice a number?

When they are saying “4 less than twice a number”, that’s the same as saying “twice a number minus 4”. When you are asking for less than something, that indicates subtraction! We’ll abbreviate number to n .

What does 3 less than twice mean?

Three less than twice a number is 13. What is 4 less than twice a number? When they are saying “4 less than twice a number”, that’s the same as saying “twice a number minus 4”.

What is 3 less than twice the width?

If the width (w) of a rectangle is 3 less than twice its length (l), then that translates into an equation: w=2l−3. We also know that w⋅l=131.

What is ten increased by the quotient of a number and 2 is?

Ten increased by the quotient of a number and 2 is -15. Wyzant Ask An Expert.

What is one fourth of a number n?

Note that “one fourth of a number” is the same as “the number divided by 4”. For example, one fourth of 12 is 3, while 12 divided by 4 is still 3.

What is one more than twice a number?

Twice of the number = 2x. Now, 1 more than 2x can be expressed as 2x + 1.

How do you write 1 more than a product of a number?

“1 more” translates to +1. Product means multiply, so “One more than the product of a number and -8” translates to -8n +1.

What number is 5 more than the product of 6 and 7?

5 more than the product of 6 and 7 is equal to 5 more than 42, or 47.

Does product mean multiply?

The product of two numbers is the result you get when you multiply them together.

What is the quotient of 15 7?

The quotient (integer division) of 15/7 equals 2; the remainder (“left over”) is 1. 15 is the dividend, and 7 is the divisor.

Where is the quotient in a problem?

Parts Of A Division Problem In a division problem, the number being divided into pieces is the dividend. The number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor. And the answer to the division problem is the quotient.

What is the quotient of 27 divided by 3?