

Whats the relationship between mass and inertia?

Whats the relationship between mass and inertia?

Mass is that quantity that is solely dependent upon the inertia of an object. The more inertia that an object has, the more mass that it has. A more massive object has a greater tendency to resist changes in its state of motion.

What is the relationship between mass and inertia explain with the help of two examples?

But the same force will produce a negligible change in the motion of a bus, because in comparison to the bicycle, a bus has more tendency to oppose any change in its state of motion because of its larger mass i.e., the bus has more inertia than the bicycle. The SI unit of mass and inertia is kilogram (kg).

What is the relationship between mass and inertia quizlet?

Terms in this set (4) The greater the mass, the greater the inertia, and vice versa. Remark: This means that a more massive object has a greater tendency to resist a change in its state of rest or motion.

Which graph best represents the relationship between the gravitational potential energy?

At the surface of Earth, where, height is 0, the gravitational potential energy is also zero. Therefore, the correct graph is a straight line with positive slope and passing through the origin.

Which two graphs represent the motion of an object?

Which two graphs represent the motion of an object with a constant velocity? The velocity versus time graph shows the motion of four cars.

What graph represents the relationship between pressure and volume?

The relationship between pressure and volume is inversely proportional. (a) The graph of P vs. V is a parabola, whereas (b) the graph of (1/P) vs. V is linear.

What is Boyle’s gas law formula?

This empirical relation, formulated by the physicist Robert Boyle in 1662, states that the pressure (p) of a given quantity of gas varies inversely with its volume (v) at constant temperature; i.e., in equation form, pv = k, a constant.

What is the mathematical relationship between temperature and pressure?

The pressure (P) of gas is directly proportional to its temperature ( T, measured in kelvins). This means that when we hold amount and volume of gas constant, the pressure of gas will increase as its temperature increase. Mathematical, we can express this relationship as: P ∞ T. P/T = K.

What is the mathematical relationship between the number of gas molecules and pressure?

Key Concepts and Summary The volume of a given amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure when temperature is held constant (Boyle’s law). Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of all gases contain the same number of molecules (Avogadro’s law).