

Where is the thermocline located in the ocean?

Where is the thermocline located in the ocean?

At the base of this layer is the thermocline. A thermocline is the transition layer between the warmer mixed water at the surface and the cooler deep water below. It is relatively easy to tell when you have reached the thermocline in a body of water because there is a sudden change in temperature.

How does a thermocline affect the distribution of marine organisms?

A mismatching of these peaks can cause a decrease in the current reproductive output, as well as a reduction in the animal’s long-term fitness [3], [4]. For diving marine animals, oceanographic conditions of the water column, such as the presence of a thermocline, can also be important for the distribution of prey [8].

How does a strong thermocline affect ocean productivity?

This effect also occurs in Arctic and Antarctic waters, bringing water to the surface which, although low in oxygen, is higher in nutrients than the original surface water. This enriching of surface nutrients may produce blooms of phytoplankton, making these areas productive.

What causes thermocline?

Thermoclines are caused by an effect called stratification in lakes. The warm layer of water which is heated by the sun sits on top of the cooler, denser water at the bottom of the lake and they are separated by a thermocline. Thermocline depth in lakes varies depending on the heat of the sun and the depth of the lake.

What best describes a thermocline?

A thermocline is an area where the temperature of the ocean sharply decreases. Explanation: The thermocline is the indication of a transition between two layers of water with different temperatures and densities, for example in lakes or oceans.

What is the difference between thermocline and Halocline?

A halocline is also a layer of separation between two water masses by difference in density, but this time it is not caused by temperature. It occurs when two bodies of water come together, one with freshwater and the other with saltwater. Saltier water is denser and sinks leaving fresh water on the surface.

How many teaspoons of salt are in a gallon of seawater?

= 0.264 L, so 1 gallon of seawater contains (35 g/L)(0.264 L) = 9.24 g. (Though there are various salts in seawater, this is mostly NaCl.) The density of NaCl is 2.17 g/cm³, so the gallon contains 4.26 cm³. 1 (standardized) teaspoon = 5.0 mL = 5.0 cm³, so we have about 0.85 tsp.

What happens to salt when ocean water evaporates?

Salt in seawater is merely dissolved in the water, not chemically bonded to it. When water evaporates (one molecule at a time), only pure water returns to the atmosphere. Salt and other impurities are left behind.

What happened when salt and water were combined?

When salt is mixed with water, the salt dissolves because the covalent bonds of water are stronger than the ionic bonds in the salt molecules. Once this happens, the salt is dissolved, resulting in a homogeneous solution.