

Which abiotic conditions exert the greatest influence on biome classification?

Which abiotic conditions exert the greatest influence on biome classification?

The abiotic condition that exerts the greatest influence on biome classification, particularly terrestrial biomes, is climate.

What elevation is above tree line?

about 4,800 feet

How does latitude and altitude affect which plants grow in an area?

How do latitude and altitude affect which plants grow in an area? both affect the climate. Climate gets colder as latitude and altitude increase, and the biomes then change.

What is the relationship among elevation latitude and vegetation?

The results showed that (1) the trees were taller and wider at the middle latitude and higher altitude with a stronger spatial heterogeneity in the structures along the latitudinal and altitudinal gradients.

How do plants change with increasing latitude?

Plants from high latitudes tended to have smaller plant size in terms of seed size, cotyledon width, rosette size, number of rosette leaves, size (leaf area) of the largest leaves, total leaf area, and total dry weight per plant than those from low latitudes.

What type of factor is altitude?

All 1.2 million residents live about 4,150 meters (13,615 feet) above sea level. Altitude is related to air pressure. In fact, aviators and mountaineers can measure their altitude by measuring the air pressure around them. This is called indicated altitude, and is measured by an instrument called an altimeter.

Which of the character is changed with altitude and latitude?

Biodiversity varies with a change in altitude or latitude. The diversity increases as we move from high to low altitudes (i.e., from poles to equator).

Why do chip bags expand at high altitudes?

As the atmospheric pressure decreases with increase in altitude, when a sealed bag of chips is taken to higher altitude then the pressure of the gases inside the bag become greater than the outer atmospheric pressure and apply pressure on the side covering of the chips bag due to which the chips bag expand.