

Which count of subatomic particles gives an atom its unique identity as an element and represents its atomic number?

Which count of subatomic particles gives an atom its unique identity as an element and represents its atomic number?

number of protons

What subatomic particle gives the atom its identity?


Which particle is the smallest?


Is the human body perfectly designed?

The human body is perfectly designed to respond and adapt to our environment. Amazing Hands – The human hand can deliver amazing amounts of power and force quickly while also being able to produce delicate, intricate, and exact minute movements.

Why is the human body so fragile?

We’re physically fragile because being that way actually increased our chances for survival. If we were made to withstand extreme cold without freezing, we wouldn’t be able to adapt to heat when things change.

What are flaws mean?

1a : a defect in physical structure or form a diamond with a flaw. b : an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness vanity was the flaw in his character a flaw in the book’s plot. 2 obsolete : fragment. flaw. verb.

What are examples of flaws?

10 Common Examples of Character Flaws in Literature

  • Abusive. Being abusive is a character flaw many literary villains possess.
  • Addiction. Addiction is another common plot device used to move a story forward or create conflict in the character’s life.
  • Excessive Pride.
  • Fear.
  • Greed.
  • Jealousy.
  • Incompetence.
  • Lust for Power.

What are flaws in a woman?

20 Body Flaws That Really Aren’t

  • Cellulite. If cellulite is a flaw, then, well, most women are flawed.
  • Stretch Marks. Shutterstock.
  • Scars. Whether your scar is on your face or somewhere else on your body, it might always feel like someone is staring at it.
  • Dimples. Shutterstock.
  • Uneven Breasts. Shutterstock.
  • Visible Veins. Shutterstock.
  • Moles.
  • Freckles.

What are examples of character flaws?

It is a flaw which causes an otherwise noble or exceptional character to bring about their own downfall and, often, their eventual death. Examples of this could include hubris, misplaced trust, excessive curiosity, pride and lack of self-control.

How do you identify character flaws?

Common Sense Ethics

  1. 5 Insightful Ways to Identify and Change Your Character Flaws. 11/5/2016.
  2. Look at Yourself From Your Enemy’s Perspective.
  3. Keep a Personal Journal.
  4. Examine What Keeps Coming Up in Your Evening Review.
  5. Observe Your Projections.
  6. Do a Self-Assessment.

What does flaws mean in a person?

countable noun. A flaw in someone’s character is an undesirable quality that they have. The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper. Synonyms: weakness, failing, defect, weak spot More Synonyms of flaw.

What are flaws in DND?

A “Flaw” in game terms is sort of like a “negative feat”, in that it provides a penalty or otherwise hindrance to the character who has it. Characters are permitted to take up to two flaws at level 1. They must be rolled for as per the table.

What are DND ideals?

Ideals. Ideals are beliefs that drive a character. These can include ideas such as Generosity or Greed, Respect or Might, or Tradition or Freedom. These ideals help define the character’s alignment, which defines how other PCs and NPCs view the character.

What are personality traits in DND?

Personality traits might describe the things your character likes, his or her past accomplishments, things your character dislikes or fears, your character’s self-attitude or mannerisms, or the influence of his or her ability scores.