

Which is the highest reactive metal in periodic table?

Which is the highest reactive metal in periodic table?


What periodic table family is most reactive?


What is the least reactive family?

Noble gases

Which families are unreactive?

The family that is unreactive is inert elements or noble gases. This is because they have a full shell and are completely stable.

Which family is the most unreactive and why?

The noble gases all have full valence shells, and so they don’t need to undergo a reaction to gain it. Hence, they are unreactive.

What family of elements is relatively unreactive and why?

What family of elements is relatively unreactive and why? Noble gases are relatively unreactive because they have eight electrons in the outermost energy level, which is a stable configuration. Describe the formation of both positive and negative ions. Positive ions form when atoms lose valence electrons.

What is a family of unreactive elements?

Noble gas. A family of unreactive elements whose Atoms do not gain, lose, or share valance electrons. Nonmetals.

Are a family of very reactive elements?

Group 17; a family of very reactive elements whose atoms gain or share one electron. Group 18; a family of unreactive elements whose atoms do not gain, loose, or share valence electrons. An element that has some characteristics of both metals and nonmetals.

Which is the most unreactive gas?

Group 8A — The Noble or Inert Gases. Group 8A (or VIIIA) of the periodic table are the noble gases or inert gases: helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). The name comes from the fact that these elements are virtually unreactive towards other elements or compounds.

What are unreactive elements?

Most Group 8 or 18 elements that appear in the last column of the periodic table (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon) are classified as inert (or unreactive). These elements are stable in their naturally occurring form (gaseous form) and they are called inert gases.

Is Oxygen an unreactive element?

At standard temperature and pressure (STP), two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a highly reactive nonmetallic element.