

Which of the following is a brittle solid?

Which of the following is a brittle solid?

Sulfur is an element with atomic number of 16. It is a non metals and thus has the characteristic properties of non metals. It occurs as a solid at room temperature and it has pale yellow colouration. It is brittle in nature, that is, it has tendency to break easily.

What group do the following elements all belong to F Cl Br and I?

Group 7A (or VIIA) of the periodic table are the halogens: fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At).

Why are fluorine chlorine bromine and iodine grouped together?

The halogens all have seven electrons in their outer shells. The electron configuration in the outer shell is ns 2 np 5 . As the atomic number increases, the reactivity of the halogens decreases. Fluorine and chlorine exist as gases at room temperature, while bromine is a liquid, and iodine is a solid.

Are chlorine and bromine metal or nonmetal?

Halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, astatine) are nonmetal elements that are highly electronegative and reactive.

Why is bromine not a metal?

The main group elements on the left side of the periodic table have fewer than 4 valence electrons so they are more likely to lose than gain electrons. These elements are non-metals. Bromine is in Group 17, the halogens. All of the elements in this group gain one electron and form similar compounds.

Why Iodine is a metal?

Iodine is a metalloid. Metalloid elements have one or more allotropes with properties intermediate between those of a metal and a nonmetal. Metals are lustrous, ductile, and conductive of heat and electricity. Metalloids may be semiconductors , like silicon, germanium, arsenic, and carbon (graphite).

What elements does iodine react with?

Iodine combines directly with many elements. Iodine combines readily with most metals and some nonmetals to form iodides; for example, silver and aluminum are easily converted into their respective iodides, and white phosphorus unites readily with iodine.

Does iodine react with HCL?

Hydrochloric acid activates the oxidative iodination of aromatic compounds with the iodine‐ hydrogen peroxide system through the formation of an iodine(I) compound as the iodinating reagent. Activation with hydrochloric acid is more powerful than that with sulfuric acid.

What’s the difference between iodide and iodine?

I-, iodide, is essentially the only form found in nature. Iodide is the ionic state of iodine, occurring when iodine forms a salt with another element, such as potassium. Iodine purchased from the local drug store is often a solution of iodine made from dissolving iodine crystals (I2) and potassium iodide in water.

Is iodine more soluble in water or Decane?

Iodine is soluble in both ethanol and hexane. Iodine does not dissolve in water because water is an extremely polar molecule, while iodine exists in the diatomic form of I2 , and is therefore non-polar, and will not dissolve in water.

What would be a better solvent for solid iodine?

1) Iodine, being a non-polar substance, should dissolve the most in nonpolar solvents. Yet diethyl ether the best solvent for iodine. 2) Toluene and n-Hexane, both being hydrocarbons, should have similar solubilities of iodine.

How do you dissolve iodine crystals in water?

Add 70 grams of iodine to the water and mix it. Pour the crystals into the distilled water and mix the solution with a glass mixing rod. Continue stirring until the crystals are entirely dissolved in the water. Since you’re using such a small amount of water, it may take a while for the crystals to dissolve entirely.

Why does iodine dissolve in cyclohexane?

Iodine is soluble, as iodine is a non-polar molecule. The iodine molecules and cyclohexane molecules form weak intermolecular attractions. Valence electrons of Mg atoms are free to move throughout the structure.

Does cyclohexane react with iodine?

Iodine, being non-polar, readily dissolves in cyclohexane, forming a purple solution. Some of the iodine crystals sink before dissolving, remaining as crystals in the water.

Does water react with iodine?

Reactions: Iodine. Iodine reacts with water to produce hypoiolite, OI-. The pH of the solution determines the position of the equilibrium. Iodine is not reactive towards with oxygen or nitrogen.

What is the polarity of iodine?

IODINE: Iodine forms a diatomic non-polar covalent molecule. The graphic on the top left shows that iodine has 7 electrons in the outer shell. Since 8 electrons are needed for an octet, two iodine atoms EQUALLY share 2 electrons.