

Why is sodium in Period 3 of the periodic table?

Why is sodium in Period 3 of the periodic table?

Argon, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus are non-metals. On the left hand side of period 3 we find the elements sodium, magnesium and aluminium. The more electrons a metallic element can contribute to the metallic bond the more mobile electrons there will be and the stronger the metallic bond will be!

Which of the following is a representative metal in the 3rd period?

The third period contains eight elements: sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and argon. The first two, sodium and magnesium, are members of the s-block of the periodic table, while the others are members of the p-block.

What do elements in Period 3 have in common?

In the whole of period 3, the outer electrons are in 3-level orbitals. These are all the same sort of distances from the nucleus, and are screened by the same electrons in the first and second levels. The major difference is the increasing number of protons in the nucleus as you go from sodium across to argon.

Which element has the highest melting point and why?

The chemical element with the lowest melting point is Helium and the element with the highest melting point is Carbon.

How does melting point increase?

1. As the atomic number of elements increases, the melting point increases because there are more electrons around the nucleus, which creates a stronger negatively-charged force. With stronger forces, the melting point rises.

Can you drink iodine in water?

Iodine is used to treat water to make it safe for drinking. You can buy iodine water purifying tablets that you add directly to water. You can also buy water treatment cartridges for your home that have iodine in them. Some iodine will get into the water that you drink if you use these tablets or cartridges.

Does spring water contain iodine?

Well or spring water had highest iodine content of drinking water samples, followed by natural water source, with tap water having the lowest content.