

Why should you always start to view an object on low power first?

Why should you always start to view an object on low power first?

Why do you need to start with 4x in magnification on a microscope? The 4x objective lens has the lowest power and, therefore the highest field of view. As a result, it is easier to locate the specimen on the slide than if you start with a higher power objective.

Why is it important to focus your microscope on low power magnification before turning it up to high power?

When you change from low power to high power on a microscope, the high-power objective lens moves directly over the specimen, and the low-power objective lens rotates away from the specimen. The image should remain in focus if the lenses are of high quality.

Why is the field of view brighter under low power?

Lower magnification lenses are further from the stage, meaning they observe a larger area and allow in more light. Since the lens is so close, the user sees a much smaller area, and less light enters the microscope and the eye. The differing amounts of light reaching the eye make the field of view brighter or dimmer.

What three things change as you increase magnification?

The more you magnify an image, the thinner the light gets spread, and you reach the point where even with a very bright light, the image is too dark to see anything.

What did you notice about the letter E when you increase in magnification?

Compare the orientation of the letter “e” as viewed through the microscope with the letter “e” viewed with the naked eye on the slide. This demonstrates that in addition to being magnified the image is inverted. As magnification increases: Field of View: decreases (see table following from page 12).

Why do you start on the lowest magnification?

When using a light microscope it’s important to start with the low power objective lens as the field of view will be wider, increasing the number of cells you are able to see. This makes it easier to find what you’re looking for.